Official Site: Diablo III
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: May 15, 2012
Genre: Gothic Fantasy OARPG
Business Model: B2P
Platform: PC, Mac, PS2, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
diablo III
Diablo III previews the lore of the Necromancer and new patch 2.6 areas
You may well not need the lore behind Diablo III's Necromancer to enjoy the class. All you need to know is that it's a...
Diablo III’s Rise of the Necromancer launches June 27 for $14.99
Blizzard has just announced that the BlizzCon-announced Rise of the Necromancer pack is launching for Diablo III on all platforms next week on June 27th....
Diablo III shows Necromancer pack bonuses while Diablo II fan recreates game using StarCraft 2 engine
Are you thinking about picking up the Necromancer pack for Diablo III when it gets released? Blizzard hopes to sway you into the "yes"...
Play some Heroes of the Storm for new Diablo III wings
The Necromancer is coming to Diablo III, and Malthael is showing up in Heroes of the Storm. Want to win some items in both?...
ESRB leaks new Diablo III console ‘Eternal Collection’
Diablo III players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will apparently be able to avail themselves of an all-new bundle option.
The ESRB has posted...
Diablo III’s angel of death comes to Heroes of the Storm, Necromancer beta begins
Malthael, otherwise known as "that wicked-looking scythe guy on all of the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls covers," has been announced as the newest...
Take a look at Diablo III’s Necromancer class cinematic intro video
Ever since last year's BlizzCon when Blizzard announced the Rise of the Necromancer pack for Diablo III, we've known the classic class was coming...
Overwatch celebrates first birthday with free-play weekend and GOTY edition
Overwatch is turning one year this month, so bust out your hipster camera and baby confections for a cake smash! Just kidding. Actually Blizzard...
Diablo III turns out to have lore, summarizable in a minute
Confession time: I have spent an absurd amount of time in the Diablo universe over the years (ask me about that time a Best...
Betawatch: Secret World Legends is coming in June (May 13, 2017)
Everyone who predicted Secret World Legends would miss its original spring target date gets a cookie. Turns out the game is launching soon, but...
Diablo III’s Necromancer beta is back from the dead
The Necromancer beta for Diablo III was around for a short time, then swiftly died off and went quiet as Blizzard tinkered with various...
Diablo III sums up why Necromancers are getting smaller sets and weaker cooldowns
Had you forgotten about the Diablo III Q&A stream about the Necromancer? Because that happened. Not to worry, though; there's a full summary available...
Diablo III temporarily removes the Necromancer from testing
And lo, it did pass that a select group of players of Diablo III were invited to test the Necromancer in the beta version...
Diablo III brings the Necromancer closed beta to life
It's time to start dredging up corpses and making them do what you want in Diablo III, because the Necromancer closed beta has arrived....
The Diablo III Necromancer beta is on its way… soon
Ever since the addition of Necromancers to Diablo III was first announced, players have been eagerly anticipating the first chance to really try out...
Blizzard awarded $8.5M in Bossland WoW and Overwatch bot lawsuit
German bot company Bossland has lost another battle in its war with Blizzard, though that's to be expected since it didn't even show up...
Diablo III launches season 10 for both PC and console
Diablo III's 10th season is officially live as of this weekend, capping off last week's 2.5.0 patch by welcoming console players to the seasonal...
Diablo III finally brings seasons to consoles
Remember how Blizzard told us that it just wasn't going to implement its Diablo III season campaigns for the game's console versions? A year...
Grim Dawn reveals Necromancer class for this year’s expansion
Guess who's getting a Necromancer class this year! If you said Diablo III, well, I can't tell you you're wrong because that's also happening....
Diablo III shows some of the Necromancer’s moves
No, the Necromancer isn't coming to Diablo III any time in the near future, but Blizzard did want to show off some of the...