
Elder Scrolls Online posts Imperial City tour, goes on sale

Yesterday we reported that Elder Scrolls Online had unleashed its first DLC pack, The Imperial City, for PC players. Today, ZeniMax has posted a large...

Elder Scrolls Online unlocks the doors to the Imperial City

ZeniMax is turning the key and opening up the gates to the iconic Imperial City in Elder Scrolls Online today. Players who enter the Imperial...

Eco as an academic tool: Educating with PvE survival and permadeath

Like the idea of survival games, but not PvP? Wish your class involved video games? Maybe you want to doom humanity to choking itself...

PAX Prime 2015: Sword Coast Legends makes a great first impression

I like to think that it's not the hype getting to me when I talk about Sword Coast Legends. When I first saw the...

Chaos Theory: Touring The Secret World’s Issue 12

Do you think a little thing like being in another country and having dismal internet could keep me from touring The Secret World's Issue...
You guys are still here?

‘Twas Hollywood, not Bungie, that pulled Peter Dinklage from Destiny

Peter Dinklage's voice work in the Destiny alpha is one of those gaming memes that transcends knowledge of the game in question. We leave...

Bethesda is focused on Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls Online

Elder Scrolls Online will be the Elder Scrolls title of record for the next little while, according to Dualshockers. The publication interviewed Bethesda VP of...

Gamescom 2015: Sword Coast Legends delayed to September 29th

Fans of Sword Coast Legends are going to have to swallow a little bad news, as Wizards of the Coast announced at Gamescom today...

Not So Massively: Dota 2’s $18m main event, Hearthstone’s expansion

This week, third-person MOBA SMITE revealed its new support character Khepri, the ancient Egyptian scarab god. League of Legends pushed its HUD overhaul to...

Guns of Icarus boss talks PvE, factions, new ships, and more

Last week I checked in with indie airship battler Guns of Icarus, and I figured why not check in with the dev team at...

Tamriel Infinium: Imperial City revitalizes Elder Scrolls Online’s PvP

I've always found it odd that one of Bethesda's biggest showings at a convention every year is QuakeCon. Elder Scrolls Online, especially, has always...
Back when everything was just a matter of shooting Hellbugs. What a time to be alive.

Defiance answers player questions about promotional weapons and future updates

You learn a lot when you work on a game for a while. Defiance has had some time to settle into its routine, and...
Well, the back is the easiest place to stab a dude.

The Elder Scrolls Online introduces players to the Drake of Blades

The Imperial City in The Elder Scrolls Online is on the dangerous side, and if you didn't already know that the introduction to the...

Elder Scrolls Online gives you a first look at Imperial City DLC pack

Elder Scrolls Online has been cruising along in buy-to-play mode for a few months now (and reportedly doing quite well for itself), but its...
Still proud of this shot.

Perfect Ten: The 10 dev stages of every new MMO class

Any game with classes adds new classes over time. It's almost axiomatic. I don't know why absolutely every game cannot be designed with the...

One Shots: Gazing at potential

Major props to reader John, who somehow managed to finagle screenshots from his PlayStation 4 to bring us this stunning Destiny vista. Back when...

Destiny sells DLC extras separately, prepares promotion with Red Bull

While Bungie is putting out one Destiny public relations fire, another one springs up behind it. The studio addressed its recent bungling of The Taken...
We all go together.

Bungie responds to Destiny’s ‘tone deaf’ DLC fiasco

Destiny has already launched some downloadable expansions for itself, and they've been cheaper than the upcoming The Taken King. In fact, they've been much cheaper...
Try to actually get a whole lot of things done at once while panicking, that's the option I apparently don't get to avoid.

The Daily Grind: What’s your first priority in a new MMO expansion?

The start of Heavensward access in Final Fantasy XIV has me running around like it's the end times. I need to level the new...
Taken for tacos, maybe.

E3 2015: Destiny’s The Taken King arrives Sept. 15; here’s the trailer

So, hey, remember that rumor about Destiny launching The Taken King on September 15th of this year? There's a new trailer out from the...