
The other side.

Wisdom of Nym: Impressions of Final Fantasy XIV’s Reflections in Crystal storylines

All right, let's make something very clear right off the bat: There will be spoilers in this column. If you have managed to not...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Stonethorn dungeon DLC and update 27 are live for PC and Mac today

It's patch day for Elder Scrolls Online, and this is no ordinary patch: It's the Stonethorn DLC and update 27, which as we've been...

Destiny 2 takes a look at the Prophecy dungeon design and explains the Content Vault

Destiny 2 appears to be wearing its MMO-ness like a snuggly coat if a couple of recent articles are to be believed, what with...

The Game Archaeologist: Flagship’s Mythos

Whenever the topic of Flagship Studios comes up, usually it's in conjunction with Hellgate: London. And while Hellgate certainly was a huge and ultimately...

Take on the evil plant queen Alice in Grand Fantasia’s August update

Gamigo has a slew of MMOs that don't get a lot of attention, especially since the Trion takeover, and one of those is the...

Champions Online invites you to kill bugs with fire (or frost, lightning, or plasma)

Bugs! Spiders! Creepy crawlies! If these pests invade your home, you have our full permission to exterminate with extreme prejudice. And if giant-sized versions...

World of Warcraft is adding diminishing returns for secondary stats in Shadowlands

So secondary stats on gear in World of Warcraft have the potential to get out of control. Fortunately, the developers have a solution for Shadowlands...

The Stream Team: Daring to explore Dungeon and Dragons Online’s Death House

Massively OP's MJ is celebrating her first stream in her new house by exploring DDO's Death House, purely by coincidence! She certainly didn't move...

Mortal Online 2 lights a torch and jumps into a dungeon

As it hacks and slashes its way through its combat alpha, Mortal Online 2 is slowly but surely taking shape. This successor to the...

World of Warcraft has begun testing Shadowlands’ endgame

While you tread water at Battle for Azeroth's current endgame, World of Warcraft is testing the endgame you'll be experiencing when you arrive there...
Well, it's more of an indigo moon, but we may provisionally allow it.

Blade & Soul Midnight Reborn update is now live

The update for Blade & Soul is happening now, but the real fun starts at midnight. Specifically, it starts in the revamped version of...

Lineage II rolls out Tales Untold content update for both core and Classic versions of the game

Blade & Soul isn't the only NCsoft MMORPG getting love this week: NCsoft West and 4game are dropping a major patch on Lineage II...

The Soapbox: Stubborn MMO players are sleeping on autoplay mechanics

Autoplay, huh. What is it good for? Absolutely something! I'll say it again: There is value in autoplay. It's got such a bad reputation...

WoW Classic’s permadeath community is absolutely hardcore

World of Warcraft Classic isn't exactly a walk around the block, especially if you're coming at it from modern MMOs. Of course, that's part...
Gosh, torchums.

Torchlight III confirms fall launch window – and Nintendo Switch release

We've been wondering when exactly Torchlight III would launch, especially given its de-MMO-ification and multiple delays throughout development. And technically, we still don't have...

Global Chat: Getting an early look at Crowfall’s beta

Now that Crowfall's beta is on the scene, plenty of curious gamers are streaming in to see what ArtCraft's ambitious PvP title has to...
Holla back.

Wisdom of Nym: Impressions of Final Fantasy XIV’s Reflections in Crystal content

All right, this format worked well last time; let's go for it again and talk about Final Fantasy XIV's latest patch. But to start...
Let's kill an oni.

Ghost of Tsushima is getting a co-op mode added with a free expansion

Enjoying traipsing about Japan in Ghost of Tsushima but wish you could do so with your buddy, Ninja Rick? The bad news is that...
Ah yes, teamwork.

The Daily Grind: How aggressive do you like to be in MMO group content?

It will probably not surprise anyone reading this that I do a fair bit of group content in Final Fantasy XIV, and veterans of...
Walk it back, walk it back, walk it back.

Blade and Soul’s next update introduces a compound system to the mix

Are you ready for some foooootballlll? No? Well then, maybe you're more in the mood for some Blade and Soul instead. You've got that...