The Elder Scrolls Legends TCG delayed into 2016
The Elder Scrolls franchise is no stranger to delays, which is why it's almost tradition for it's spin-off card game to reveal that it...
The MOP Up: RuneScape’s big anniversary plans (December 20, 2015)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Learn the story of Climax’s failed Warhammer Online
Students of MMO history might recall that Mythic Entertainment wasn't the first studio to take a crack at the Warhammer IP. In fact, before...
The Game Archaeologist: Ultima X Odyssey
I think any MMO veteran has a private list of prematurely canceled games that he or she deeply wishes had been completed and launched....
EverQuest’s multibox-free progression server is coming December 9th
We first heard about the possibility of a bot-free EverQuest progression server back at E3. Now on December 9th, that server will become a...
EverQuesting: Remembering EverQuest II’s bumpy 11th year
In the 11th year of EverQuest II, what did SOE/Daybreak give to me? An emotional rollercoaster ride! This Sunday marks 11 years of Norrathian...
SWTOR subscriptions rose by a third after KOTFE’s reveal
EA's financials are looking "great," the company boasted in its latest quarterly report, thanks in part to its sports franchises, Star Wars Battlefront, and...
A wicked hive of synth and vibrancy: First impressions of Otherland
I first covered Otherland, the Gamigo-turned-Drago MMORPG based on Tad Williams' sci-fi book series by the same name, at E3 2012. The idea of having...
PAX Prime 2015: Sword Coast Legends makes a great first impression
I like to think that it's not the hype getting to me when I talk about Sword Coast Legends. When I first saw the...
PAX Prime 2015: Devilian reveals founder packs
At PAX Prime last night, Trion announced founder packs for its upcoming OARPG import, Devilian.
The cheapest bundle, at $49.99, includes beta access, 2500 credits, a...
PAX Prime 2015: Trion tries turn-based strategy with Atlas Reactor
Trion, the creator of Trove and RIFT, has turned its attention to the online PvP market with its new game Atlas Rector. At its core, Atlas...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Am I the only one who doesn’t enjoy Guild Wars 2 datamining?
I know, I know: Solid information about Heart of Thorns is coming really slowly from the Guild Wars 2 PR machine, making for a...
Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR datamining and guild building
Usually, I don't combine two topics into one article, but these two things are important and I don't want to go another week without...
Hyperspace Beacon: Eight misconceptions about SWTOR’s Knights of the Fallen Empire
The actual information coming from BioWare's camp about Star Wars: The Old Republic's next expansion has thus far been more sparse than fans might have...
Tamriel Infinium: Imperial City revitalizes Elder Scrolls Online’s PvP
I've always found it odd that one of Bethesda's biggest showings at a convention every year is QuakeCon. Elder Scrolls Online, especially, has always...
A surprise awaits EverQuest II progression server players
Back at E3 2015, Producer Holly Longdale revealed an exciting tidbit of information that may very well put a smile on EverQuest II players' faces....
Elite: Dangerous looks ahead to 1.4 ‘CQC Championship’ patch
Elite: Dangerous has held its first dedicated convention and is already racing ahead to its next major update. "We’re looking at weeks, rather than...
EverQuesting: Holly Longdale was right about casuals and raiding
How's the weather over in EverQuest? Well there was a doozy of a storm that rolled through recently! I am going to admit that...
DC Universe Online’s Bombshells, Black Lanterns, and bases
While at E3 2015, we got to sit down with Jens Andersen, creative director for DC Universe Online, to chat more about the changes...
EverQuest II’s progression servers launch on July 21st
Norrathians eager to start life from the beginning again on EverQuest II's upcoming time-locked servers have only one more week to wait. Producer Holly...