Studio known in the west chiefly for action MMO TERA
en masse entertainment
Grab your free skins in Closers’ brand-new Pandimensional update
Closers fans are being kept busy today thanks to En Masse's latest endeavor. The latest patch is called the Pandimensional Update, and it's got...
TERA kicks off a second console beta on March 16
The second open beta for TERA's console edition arrives on March 16th, but if you weren't part of the first test, you won't be...
TERA’s Male Brawler is here, as are free character slots
Feel like punching something hard in the face? Then get over to TERA, where the Male Brawler has joined his female counterpart in the...
PUBG, TERA, and A:IR company Bluehole has gone on a shopping spree
South Korea's Bluehole has been busy as the rise of PUBG has filled its coffers. It partnered with Tencent. It's been hiring for TERA's...
TERA recaps its first console open beta
So, how did the first open beta for TERA on consoles go? In brief, it went well. In more words... well, why not take...
TERA offers stress test rewards for this weekend’s console beta
The open beta for TERA's console edition has arrived, and as a result, the developers want the servers under pressure. It's the only way...
TERA’s Male Brawler slams his way into the game
Feel like punching a wall sometimes? That's probably a bad idea, what with walls' general reluctance to give way and your brittle hand bones...
Kritika Online’s latest update is all about the power of pets
You are going to give your pets away in the newest Kritika Online. Sure, you can take your pets to Tokina in any hub...
Closers asks fans to vote on its next playable character
Are you Team Tina or Team Harpy? By the blank stares that you are giving us, we are guessing that you're not playing Closers...
Check out TERA’s console features preview video ahead of this weekend’s beta
Still pumped for TERA's Xbox One and PS4 launch this spring? En Masse sure is. The publisher has pushed out a new trailer today...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 159: Panda punching
Justin and Bree discuss all the new stuff coming in March, plus news from TERA, RIFT Prime, H1Z1, Black Desert, Guild Wars 2, and secret projects, with mailbag questions on the fast pace of the site and MMO terminology.
TERA introduces new lootboxes for purchase, and they’re full of money
A lot of games have found ways to play with the idea of buying gold, usually with some form of currency exchange regulated by...
Closers posts development roadmap for the first half of 2018
The flashy and colorful action MMO Closers is going to work hard to keep its players interested in the months following the game's release....
TERA’s Xbox One and PS4 open beta lands March 9
If you can put that poor panda from yesterday out of your mind, TERA has some fantastic news coming at you today: After several...
TERA’s Male Brawler class gets a March 13 release date
To celebrate the latest class to be added to En Masse's TERA, the studio released a short trailer of a gauntleted fist beating the...
Closers unveils its first new character, Nata
It's time for a new member of the team to take the field in Closers, and the first new addition to the game's playable...
The MOP Up: FFXIV’s Eorzean Symphony (February 18, 2017)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Massively Overthinking: Which MMORPGs should stay away from legacy servers?
Legacy, vanilla, classic, progression - call them what you like, but alternative server rulesets, particularly of the nostalgia-driven kind, are all the rage in...
Netmarble weathers a slightly down quarter while Lineage 2 Revolution drives revenue
South Korean games publisher Netmarble posted its financial report for the last quarter of 2017, ending the year on a bit of a down...
Closers launches on Steam as Tiamat raid update goes live
Happy official Steam launch day, Closers Online! The episodic anime MMO's Steam rollout is accompanied this week by a brand-new mega patch to boot.