
Shroud of the Avatar: Partying with Portalarium, countering pay-to-win, and the state of the game

The day is finally arriving: Shroud of the Avatar is formally launching next week. It's been a long journey. The path to this new old-school...

Lord of the Rings Online releases secret goat quest

Leave it to the sly folks at Standing Stone Games to slip a little spring surprise into Lord of the Rings Online. The studio behind...

EverQuest II teases a change to its monthly moonlight enchantments event

Fey mushroom rings are sprouting all over EverQuest II, marking the return of the monthly Moonlight Enchantments event. This one-day-only event comes and goes...

Defiance activates four events for Armistice, gives out a week of patron time

Don't twiddle your thumbs and sigh with impatience that Defiance 2050 hasn't arrived yet; get active in Defiance right now, thanks to its Armistice...
Pictured: Love.

Final Fantasy XI challenges players to another alphabetical Easter event

If you've played Final Fantasy XI through any given Easter event, you probably have a vivid memory of hearing people shout for various eggs...

Toontown Rewritten sponsors convention for emulator fans

Perhaps one of the most amazing MMORPG emulator projects is one that has flown under the radar of the larger community. Following the shutdown...

Get lucky, punk, with the World of Tanks St. Paddy’s Day event

Feeling lucky? You just may after jumping into World of Tanks this weekend. The multiplayer tank battler is throwing a St. Patrick's Day event through...

The Stream Team: Partying with a 19-year-old EverQuest

What do you give a game that is turning 19? Massively OP's MJ is not sure, but she's not about to miss EverQuest's birthday...
Seriously? Huh.

MMORPG Runes of Magic celebrations nine years of operation with daily gifts

Can you believe that Runes of Magic has been operating for nine years now? That's a long time. Like... well, like nine years, actually....

Mimics take over DDO, players terrified to open chests

Usually the sight of a fat, treasure-laden chest is a source of joy for Dungeons and Dragons Online players. It's where most of the...

RIFT starts Carnival celebration, previews Tenebrean Prison warfront

RIFT's anniversary event, Carnival, is now raging across the game's live servers -- but not on the new Prime progression server. While the latter...

EverQuest celebrates 19 years with a two-month anniversary event and a new progression server

When 19 years old you turn, reason for throwing a lavish party for yourself you will have. As of tomorrow, EverQuest will turn 19 years...
People who want shamrock riding boards one, everyone else, a million.

Skyforge offers players a shamrock riding board for St. Patrick’s Day

The vast majority of MMOs don't even celebrate St. Patrick's Day, which means that Skyforge marking the occasion would already mean that it was...

Spellsworn launches, goes free-to-play

Watched the new Fantastic Beasts trailer and felt the deep pull of wizards and spells pull at you once more? You may be able...
He's not even supposed to be here today.

Monster Hunter World previews a crossover with Devil May Cry

The Monster Hunter series is a set of video games in which you fight giant monsters and then harvest their corpses to make more...

DC Universe Online gets lucky with its St. Patrick’s Day event

The impish and mischevious Mister Mxyzptlk is up to no good in DC Universe Online. The pint-sized villain is wreaking havok during this week's...
Not happening.

Saga of Lucimia argues GM events should be mandatory in MMOs, not an ‘optional service’

A few months ago, we ran a Leaderboard poll asking players what kind of live studio-led events they want out of MMORPGs. By way...
We're not dead yet.

Trion looking into RIFT Prime XP issue, says Carnival should be arriving next week

Had a few issues with running out of XP from doing quests on RIFT Prime's new progression server? You're not alone, pal. Following concern...

Closers asks fans to vote on its next playable character

Are you Team Tina or Team Harpy? By the blank stares that you are giving us, we are guessing that you're not playing Closers...

EverQuesting: Take a swig of EverQuest II’s Brewday festival with this guide

A festival dedicated to getting sloshed? No, this isn't college life -- it's EverQuest II's Brewday! Every year near St. Patrick's Day, a celebration...