

Learn about ship customization and more in today’s ArcheAge livestream

There's lots going on in the world of ArcheAge this week, and most of it is summarized in a Trion website update focused on...
Not included is a guide the playing it on your 3DS, however.

How to unlock your World of Warcraft Menagerie

There's a feature sitting right in your Garrison in World of Warcraft that you might have barely used, but it's something that pet battle...
There's never a skill for making valuable new friends.

Path of Exile adds Golems and Warcries in Awakening

Path of Exile's next major update, The Awakening, is introducing not one, not three, but two new types of skills to the game. There...
I don't miss the days without blood elves, not at all.

WoW Factor: The WoW token and the upcoming patch

Since the last edition of WoW Factor, two big things hit World of Warcraft in quick succession. The first is that the much-discussed WoW...
Nothing is ever straightforward.

Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward update: Job and racial lore

The official teaser site for Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion, Heavensward, has gotten a big update today. If you've been sitting on the edge...

Hearthstone unlocks Blackrock Spire

The scenic tour through Hearthstone's Blackrock Mountain continues, as the card game opened up Blackrock Spire yesterday to daring heroes. With the third wing...
Masters without blasters.

Guild Wars 2 explains the philosophy of Masteries

Players are not getting a level cap bump with Heart of Thorns; the apex of power in Guild Wars 2 will remain Level 80....
How did everything go so predictably wrong?

World of Warcraft adds retro ‘timewalking’ dungeons

There's no reason for you to go back to older dungeons in World of Warcraft unless you particularly like the look of something that...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Exclusive Guild Wars 2 Maguuma Hylek interview

I had the pleasure of chatting with Scott McGough, a Guild Wars 2 narrative designer who is currently working hard on Heart of Thorns content, about...
We had a bet running that it would take longer.

Guild Wars 2’s Stronghold public beta is today; here’s a guide

You can play Guild Wars 2's upcoming expansion PvP mode right now! The Stronghold public beta is today! And then it closes up shop...
We'll defend against whoever in the world we're at war with. Probably ourselves.

World of Warcraft 6.2 adds new dungeon difficulty, zone

If you thought the first major patch of Warlords of Draenor seemed a bit thin on content, you'll be happier with World of Warcraft's...

Destiny’s House of Wolves expansion launches May 19th

Destiny fans ready for a new expansion after last December's The Dark Below have to wait until only May 19th for the release of...
Prepare to be prepared!

How to get into Path of Exile’s Awakening beta

So you want to test the next big update for Path of Exile? That's understandable; it's a big update that promises a whole lot...
Running toward the blue sky.

Wisdom of Nym: What we now know about Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward

I honestly hadn't expected to learn quite this much about Heavensward this soon. I don't know why I hadn't expected this, to be fair;...

MMO Mechanics: How strong communities are barriers-to-exit

MMOs occupy a unique position in our game libraries because they include a wide range of clever mechanics that keep us logging in day...

Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward’s spoiler-filled trailer

We're going to tell you this right up front: if you haven't yet done the patch 2.55 story quests and don't want to be...

Previewing Path of Exile’s mind-blowing Act IV

If you thought Path of Exile's previous three content updates would be hard acts to follow, you clearly haven't heard enough about the upcoming...

Lost Continent: Looking ahead to ArcheAge’s Dread Prophecies patch

Did you miss the latest ArcheAge livestream featuring the Trion dev team? It was a biggun, and it contained quite a lot of information relative to the...
Fighting the good fight... in really, really ugly armor.

Interview: Star Trek Online’s Al Rivera on the looming Iconians

The Iconians are coming to Star Trek Online, and if you've been playing the game during the past five years, you know that's a...
What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that let you turn real money into MMO money

Two days ago, World of Warcraft launched the WoW Token service, which will kill the game forever. It thus joins the list of every...