Factions is a standalone expansion for Guild Wars that released on April 28, 2006. It may also refer to the combat module release of Origins of Malu.
Global Chat: Is casual raiding important for MMOs?
When it comes to the subject of raiding, one might get the impression that there are only two factions involved: those who are hardcore...
Preview: A look inside of ArcheAge’s Ascension launching today
Change is inevitable. And while it can be unnerving, it can also be very beneficial. ArcheAge's fans will see their share of changes today...
Getting perspective on Chronicles of Elyria’s planned PvP and PvE featureset
Anyone on the MassivelyOP team will probably tell you that I won't shut up about Chronicles of Elyria. There's so much to like about...
Asta officially launches with its first major expansion
It is just a little bit odd that Asta: The War of Tears and Winds is launching when its first expansion drops. Those two...
Leaderboard: Do you go light side or dark side in MMORPG factions?
We’ve been following gaming research firm Quantic Foundry since last year as it's been publishing datasets and conclusions based on its Gamer Motivation Model....
Camelot Unchained shows off weapon concepts and the growing world
One of the big elements of Camelot Unchained's design philosophy is the difference between its three factions. It wouldn't make a lot of sense...
Rule your own faction in ArcheAge’s Ascension
Think you can rule better than the the leaders of ArcheAge's NPC factions? Or maybe you just want to wear spiffy new clothes and raise...
Cabal Online’s latest update bumps the cap to 200, revamps mercs
Cabal Online's latest patch is in! If you fancy a free update that takes you to level 200, then Episode XV: Clashing Nations might...
Perfect Ten: Ten City of Heroes systems every MMO should have stolen by now
Today, City of Heroes turns 12Â years old. Except it doesn't; the game shut down three years ago, it never lived until it reached twelve,...
Chaos Theory: The Secret World survival game
I've been thinking. (A dangerous pastime, I know!) And I think I have come up with a solution to a number of the things...
Landmark NPCs can talk your ear off after today’s patch
Are you ready for another whopper set of patch notes for Landmark? Today's hotfix will see combat tweaks, equipment rebalancing (along with a slower...
Grim Dawn to unveil modding tools this week
For some players, enjoying the original game itself is only the first step on a larger journey that leads to modifications galore. Grim Dawn...
PAX East 2016: Richard Garriott discusses Shroud of the Avatar’s ‘launch’ and future
It might seem as if Shroud of the Avatar has been in early access for a very long time, probably because it has. Technically, it's...
EVE Fanfest 2016: Industrial citadels and drilling platforms in EVE Online
EVE Online's Citadel expansion goes live in just a few days on April 27th, opening the floodgates on a new era of space colonisation for players....
MechWarrior Online rolls out the next stage of its faction gameplay
If you've played the tabletop games that MechWarrior Online is based upon, you know that factions and allegiances are a big part of those...
World of Warcraft previews the design of World Quests for Legion
The next expansion for World of Warcraft is trying something different for endgame. It's not the sprawling dailies of Mists of Pandaria, and it's...
Interview: Star Trek Online’s 11.5 mid-season update
Yesterday's Season 11.5 update for Star Trek Online is a bit of a hodgepodge, an assortment of several separate pieces all sitting in the...
WildStar crosses factional barriers, mulls new class/race combos
What's brewing in WildStar's labs these days? Only a whole vat of changes, that's what.
As a result of Carbine's first DevConnect forum survey, the...
The Game Archaeologist: Guild Wars Utopia
Aztecs. Chronomancers. Mounts. Halberds. Golems. Dual wielding.
These are all but a hint of what a fourth Guild Wars campaign could have been, a campaign...
Grab a Survarium bundle key from Vostok and MOP
Survarium's huge 0.41 patch landed on the live version of the game this week, touting a new daily nomination system, new tactical supplies, changes to...