
The Stream Team: Watch and win a Neverwinter 7-day VIP key

Do you want seven days of VIP access in Neverwinter? Did you miss your chance during the giveaway last month? Then you are in...
The first rule of... oh, forget it.

TERA adds civil unrest with its next update

Who would willingly travel back in time to a period of civil unrest and danger? The answer is you, if you're playing TERA after...
Pictured: bugs, we guess? Metaphor is hard.

Crowfall shows off UI improvements

Even if you're not involved in the actual testing process for Crowfall, you probably like seeing the game in action just to confirm that...

DragonCon 2016: Mark Jacobs on Camelot Unchained’s abilities and RvR realm rewards

If you've been following anything about Camelot Unchained, then you get the idea that Mark Jacobs has set out to make something different than...

EverQuesting: Five EverQuest II features you may have forgotten

Use it or lose it. I may have learned that little gem in relation to skills and talents, but it applies to the world...

Skyforge demos Ascension’s upcoming campaign progression map

Since announcing the game-rewriting Ascension expansion for Skyforge at the end of August, has been busy explaining everything the update will entail, from...
Top gear indeed.

Allods Online grants all accounts a free week on its subcription-only server

Allods Online has the distinction of being one of the very few MMORPGs to launch as a free-to-play game and add a subscription-only server...
Just absolute galaxy brain

WoW Factor: Assessing WoW after two weeks of Legion

All right, so it's actually closer to a week and a half. I'm torn between an eye-rolling "it's only been a week and a...

World of Warcraft players figure out the mystery of a long-lost hippogryph

One of World of Warcraft: Legion's most secretive mounts has been discovered by the community. After some sleuthing, players have figured out the process...
Let's all work together to be kind of miserable.

The Daily Grind: What’s your take on Dual Universe’s subscription model?

If you read Dual Universe's Kickstarter from beginning to end, you probably noticed this section about the game's planned business model: "You won't have to...

Massively Overthinking: What’s the worst MMORPG for duos?

Massively OP reader Styopa recently wrote in to us to propose that we write about the best MMORPGs for duoing. I was all set...

AdventureQuest 3D asks for player help to design a fire zone

The AdventureQuest 3D team was out in full force at DragonCon this past weekend, manning a panel on the game as well as participating...
Find a work-safe picture for TERA. Good luck.

TERA adds new underwear to the cash shop, you don’t want to see it at work

Are you at work right now? If so, you probably shouldn't be reading this site anyway, your boss would be mad. But your boss...

DragonCon 2016: Mark Jacobs on trolls, subscriptions, and Camelot Unchained

There's so much to see and do at DragonCon that you can't possibly fit it all in. With actors, authors, game developers, cosplayers, and...

Perfect Ten: Comparing Druids across MMORPGs

If I asked you what a Mage is in an MMORPG, what would you say? Some cloth-wearing gal who lugs around a long staff and flings...

Crowfall Q&A sheds light on the soft launch and the feedback process

In its Q&A session for the month of September, Crowfall Design Lead Thomas Blair and Creative Director Todd Coleman celebrate a whole year of...

EverQuest II sells more Legends of Norrath lockboxes

There's nothing to honor the passing of a beloved game than to turn its memory into a lockbox bonanza. At least that's the thinking of...

World of Warcraft Legion sells 3.3M copies, hits highest concurrency since Cataclysm

What do you do when you have sworn off bragging about your playerbase size and subscription numbers? You brag about expansion copies sold and...
You had the worst role quest.

Final Fantasy XIV previews the main scenario and dungeons of patch 3.4

The Dragonsong War is over in Final Fantasy XIV. Seriously, that's done; we players emerged victorious and we can all move on. So that...
I will worship.

Skyforge streamlines the Order system with its next patch

Players in Skyforge are deities. That's sort of the entire premise behind the game. Of course, one of the usual benefits of being a...