free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

Such meaning.

Vague Patch Notes: The meaning of ‘meaningful’ in MMORPGs

Ironically, the term "meaningful" has a long history of not meaning much of anything with MMOs. Back in 2015 I did a Perfect Ten about...

Original LOTRO and DDO creator Turbine Entertainment changes its name to WB Games Boston

As the Fourth Age begins, Turbine Entertainment retreats into the east where it will continue to be diminished. The studio that formerly brought us...

TERA’s Fiery Featherweights adds Elin Brawlers, new dungeon, and Enhancement Point system

Even though TERA's Elin are pint-sized, that doesn't mean they can't pack a mean punch, as they will readily demonstrate in the game's upcoming...
Balance that mine.

Path of Exile’s next expansion is now slated for December 7, GGG teases big announcement

I can't help but have a little giggle every time a studio makes an announcement about announcements. But in Path of Exile's case, we'll...

The Stream Team: Haunting World of Tanks’ Halloween

There are monster trucks, so why not monster tanks? That's what World of Tanks brings out for its Halloween festivities. Massively OP's MJ is...

Hyperspace Beacon: Five tools to up your roleplay game in SWTOR

As you all know, I like to roleplay in Star Wars: The Old Republic. In fact, creating characters and creating struggles for them within...

XL Games’ Jake Song is working with Gamigo to ‘stabilize’ and ‘revitalize’ ArcheAge

Western ArcheAge players who've been waiting patiently - or impatiently - for news on what exactly is happening with their game in the wake...
But now, it's more money.

LOTRO’s progression server may slow down experience gain (and that’s a good thing)

When Standing Stone Games first announced Lord of the Rings Online's upcoming progression server, the community had plenty of suggestions to how the studio...

EverQuest begins Burning Lands expansion preorders, EverQuest II previews Chaos Descending’s Plane of Earth

Fall is always the best time of the year for the EverQuest franchise - it's expansion season. Over in classic EverQuest, pre-orders for The...

Time travel to Secret World Legends’ Dark Agartha November 14

So what happens if all the Secret World Legends' bee-blessed don't save the world from the Filth? Funcom is apparently showing that possibility come...

The Stream Team: Star Trek Online’s one-day Halloween event

What's spooky in Star Trek Online? When research goes awry! The mini-mission Hearts and Minds is back for Halloween. Maybe they could have called...

Perfect Ten: Compliments to MMOs I don’t play

Back in September, Bree posed a Daily Grind question that I thought was genuinely intriguing. You know, for once. Just kidding, Bree! She asked...
I'm alive! I promise.

Guild Wars 2’s legendary upgrade feature accidentally joins weekly patch as new RMT griefing trick emerges

If, like our staff, you looked at yesterday's Guild Wars 2 patch notes and thought it was a "filler patch" with just a handful...

LOTRO eyes Beornings for a revamp and breaks down giant invisible walls

Good news for Beorning players in Lord of the Rings Online: You look like you are due for some class love from the developers....
Let it all out.

A story of rags to recovery (not quite riches) thanks to Warframe’s player-made content

Artist Frelling Hazmot is doing all right these days. He's paying back debts and making do with a rather substantial income. It's a far...

Star Trek Online’s Age of Discovery is coming to consoles on November 13th

Earlier this month, Perfect World Entertainment released the first chapter of Star Trek Online's Age of Discovery update for the game's PC version, and...

Closers unveils new character Soma, announces next Gleam campaign

A new character has joined the cast of En Masse Entertainment's free-to-play anime beat-'em-up, Closers. The new arrival goes by the name of Soma,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 194: It belongs in a museum!

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO's progression server, Trion's travails, the Video Game Museum's big win, Hellgate London, ESO Murkmire, Wild West Online, and Just Survive, with mailbag entries on P2W in emulations and mainstream MMO condescension.

Neverwinter previews Heart of Fire’s ‘K-Team’ dungeon challenges

Acquisitions Incorporated has been the talk of the town in Neverwinter lately, what with the upcoming Heart of Fire module being only a week...
On a unicorn.

Global Chat: Is MapleStory 2 too cute for its own britches? (Yes.)

Maybe it's the weird gaming lull that's going on right now, but MapleStory 2 has picked up a good amount of press and player...