free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

Mobile MMO roundup: Lineage 2 Revolution, Bless Mobile, Fellow Eternal Clash, and Rise of Ragnarok

Welcome back to another mobile MMO roundup, those MMOs that obviously don't count because they are played on a small screen instead of a...

Funcom announces new forums coming for all of its titles — including Secret World Legends

Sometimes you really want to stick around to the very end of developer livestreams for any surprise announcements. In Friday's dev stream, Funcom shocked...

Star Wars The Old Republic devs tease February roadmap, call 2018 the year of returning companions

Ever since the Kotaku article quoting an anon BioWare dev saying that Star Wars The Old Republic's future is "up in the air" -...

The Stream Team: Dungeon diving in Secret World Legends

Although Massively OP's MJ has never gotten close to needing extra keys beyond her daily allotment in Secret World Legends, she's still going to take...
Look at it right and these guys could be the villains.

Neverwinter talks about the slice of life stories for masterwork crafters in Lost City of Omu

Whether you're into masterwork crafting in Neverwinter for items or just because you want to get more of a sense of the world beyond...
lol, valve

Dota 2 fans boycott ESL’s Facebook streaming platform over Twitch banwave

In today's edition of "who's boycotting whom now," it's Dota 2 players' turn in the spotlight! According to Polygon, the community unrest began last week,...
Look flashy.

RIFT Prime won’t let you carry your characters over to regular servers

Trion Worlds' announcement of a RIFT Prime server for this spring may have raised more questions than it answered. While the studio is starting...

Leaderboard: Are you playing on Age of Conan’s new ‘saga’ server?

Age of Conan's Saga of Zath server officially launched yesterday, drawing fresh attention back to the game that Funcom maintenance-moded by proxy last year...

WoW Factor: The debate over World of Warcraft’s refer-a-friend nerf

Ah, another day and another thing to enrage people in World of Warcraft. Last time, it was that the Allied Race unlocks might (will)...
Try it out.

Wall Street firm sees Destiny 2 ‘struggling with player engagement’

Destiny 2 is definitely not riding high in its first year of live operation. Warning signs started to appear late last year, as datamining...
Oh well.

SuperData December 2017: Fortnite and PUBG kick butt, while Destiny 2 slumps

SuperData's December 2017 global revenue chart is out, and it's good news for the industry on the whole, as holiday spending was up by...

BioWare shifts resources to Anthem and debates SWTOR’s future

Talk about putting all of your eggs into one basket. While BioWare is nominally working on both the next Dragon Age title and Star...

The Stream Team: Plowing through Path of Exile’s Act V

Massively OP's MJ has so much story to still get through in Path of Exile. Today, she's diving back in and hoping to get...

Warframe’s ghouls infect Xbox One and PlayStation 4

When Warframe has a ghoul infestation, who is it gonna call? You, that's who. Digital Extremes put out a bounty on the heads of these...

Hyperspace Beacon: No, Star Wars The Old Republic isn’t on the verge of sunset

I recently read a wild argument based on unsubstantiated rumor that Star War: The Old Republic is nearing its end of life, that BioWare...

It’s a key-free weekend in Secret World Legends’ dungeons

Players who like to run dungeons, lairs, and scenarios for loot in Secret World Legends can do so with reckless abandon this weekend --...

The Soapbox: Confessions of a serial hoarder (in MMORPGs)

How much is too much? To some, that might seem like a reasonable question. But I knew. I knew. There is no such thing as...

Perfect Ten: Major MMO expansions and updates to expect in 2018

Now that we're almost 1/12th of the way through 2018, it's probably about time to stop anticipating the year and start experiencing it. We...
Who are you going to call? TELL ME!

TERA introduces the Guardian Legion on January 30

When the going gets tough in TERA, the tough get going! By the second "tough" we of course mean "max-level characters," and by "get...
I want to go back (go back)

Star Trek Online claims 5.2M players over its lifespan

If you haven't noticed, this month marks Star Trek Online's eight-year anniversary. There have been plenty of giveaways and events going on in the...