frontier developments

The studio famous for building Elite: Dangerous.

Elite Dangerous Odyssey gets more bug fixes, shipyards in prisons, and a new criminal mission in Update 12

Players of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey who live on the wrong side of the law in-game now have a few more options open to their...
Dark times.

Elite Dangerous previews Odyssey Update 12, now launching June 7

Players of Elite Dangerous have likely been regularly watching the Frameshift Live developer livestreams for news and information about the spaceship sandbox, and last...

Elite Dangerous will grant console players a free PC copy of the game as it tries to allay content drought concerns

If the future of Elite: Dangerous feels grim in the face of canned console development, a shaky communications cadence, and a threadbare-looking 2022 roadmap,...

Elite Dangerous lays out 2022 roadmap, new plan for console-to-PC migration

At this point, anything Frontier announces for Elite Dangerous makes players just as nervous about the game's future as bad news and no news,...

Elite Dangerous halts developer livestreams [Update: Aaaand now they’re back]

The open comms out of Elite: Dangerous are closing once again. The game's senior community manager posted brief alerts on the forums that developer...

Stick and Rudder: Using No Man’s Sky Outlaws as a way to fill the space sandbox void

Hello Games just keeps on proving itself over and over again. That's been the overall reaction whenever No Man's Sky makes an update from...

The Stream Team: A quick space flight somewhere in Elite Dangerous

It's been some time since MOP's Chris has come back to Elite Dangerous, and it's about time that he takes a peek back at...

Elite Dangerous won’t address planetary surface tile repetition issue because of unjustifiable resource costs

Among the many, many bugs that players of Elite: Dangerous have filed and upvoted on the game's Issue Tracker, one repeatedly pointed-to problem is...
Shoot cycle.

The Cycle Frontier talks about upcoming balancing to alleviate solo player vs. squad pain points

When you drop into a match in The Cycle: Frontier, the fact that you don't know what or who you'll encounter is an intrinsic...

EVE Online boss: NFT stands for ‘Not for Tranquility’

At GDC this year, EVE Online's CCP Games raised eyebrows when CEO Hilmar Petursson was photographed meeting with crypto, NFT, and metaverse entrepreneurs. Players...

Massively Overthinking: What do you expect from MMO Kickstarters?

I know, I know. People don't trust Kickstarters anymore. Nor should they, especially now. I think our genre knows this now. For every Wagadu...

GDC 2022: Control, revenue, scarcity, ethics, and the human challenges of the gaming ‘metaverse’

While some panels at GDC 2022 have been deeply disappointing, the panel titled "A Brave New (Virtual) World: Ethics and Governance of XR and...
Pay to lose.

Perfect Ten: Conversations with anthropomorphic MMO studios IV: The Voyage Home

I swear before whatever deities you want to name, I cannot get away from this. I've done everything I can to avoid these anthropomorphic...

The Cycle: Frontier extends its second closed beta test through April 19

As exciting as testing a new game might be, having that ticking counter to the end of the alpha or beta can be a...

Tour the sights of Elite Dangerous’ galaxy with this videographer highlight video

Space in Elite: Dangerous can be cold, lonely, and dangerous, but it can also be beautiful. Finding sights and vistas is one of the...

Elite Dangerous deploys an Update 11 hotfix that adds more bartender materials and fixes Protect missions

There's nothing more lovely to see for many than a well-stocked bar, and owners of Fleet Carriers in Elite: Dangerous are getting something like...

Elite Dangerous puts console to PC wealth transfers on hold to assess possible changes

Before Elite: Dangerous studio Frontier Developments elected to put the kibosh on content development for consoles, it allowed players a one-time transfer of wealth...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 364: Turtle power!

Justin and Bree discuss Elite Dangerous console, EVE Online's P2W controversy, Guild Wars 2's turtles, and WoW's expansion reveal, with adventures in DDO, WoW Classic, SWG Legends, and GW2, plus mailbag topics on WoW free-to-play and New World's MMO pedigree.
Right, right, space. We're in it.

Elite Dangerous brings Fleet Carrier interiors, functioning seats, and a new mission type in Update 11

After a couple of delays and the unfortunate news that the console version is effectively going into maintenance mode, Update 11 of Elite: Dangerous...

Elite Dangerous has fully canceled console development to prioritize PC

We're sorry to report this morning that Frontier has just announced that it will be canceling console development of Elite Dangerous, essentially sending the...