
PSA: Hackers hit World of Warcraft emulator TurtleWoW’s account database

As regular readers know, it's not our policy to report on emulators for MMORPGs that are actively running, and there are few that are...

Twitch suffers massive data breach as a hacker gets away with source code and streamer payout details

Twitch is having a very bad day today as a hacker has managed to hack and release 125GB worth of data, which has since...

Grapeshot Games is working to combat Atlas hackers

It's been a bit of a rough start for Grapeshot Games's open-world survival MMO Atlas since it launched late last month, and it's clear...

Fallout 76 still has lots of fun hacks that are being tracked down

What do you get when you combine a company legendary for its ability to release buggy or unpolished games and an online game with...
Oh my.

New Bless Online producer’s letter tackles optimization issues and hacking

The saga of Bless Online's turbulent Western release (which we dove into last week) continues with a new producer's letter posted today, this time...

Elder Scrolls Online permabans scores of cheaters

There are few things more aggravating in online games than to clearly see people use hacks to cheat their way into riches and power,...

The Division exploits send it ‘heading for catastrophe’

It's hard not to understate how bad the situation is in The Division right now. Over the last few weeks, stories and reports have...

The Daily Grind: Do you blame developers or players for rampant exploits in MMOs?

As long as I can remember, there has been a back-and-forth between players and developers on the subject of game exploits. I remember back...

PlanetSide 2 hitbox hack gets called out, hotfixed by Daybreak

When it comes to multiplayer shooters, issues like hitbox detection and size are always hot button topics for the community. But what if you...

Endemic cheating in CS:GO prompts record number of bans

In every competitive online game, there will always be people who are willing to cheat to get an advantage over other players and companies willing to...

Popular Guild Wars 2 YouTuber team banned for cheating

Protip: Don't cheat in video games, especially always-online MMORPGs where the devs are actively seeking out cheaters and have a reputation for humiliating them...
The most something game.

Ark: Survival Evolved offers a bounty for hunting hacks

The developers behind Ark: Survival Evolved are rewarding players for hunting the most dangerous game. Considering this is a game wherein you hunt and...

H1Z1 devs make fun of cheaters in new vid

Have you been banned for cheating in H1Z1? Did you write an angry email to Daybreak expressing your remorse and/or incredulity? If so, you...