heart of thorns

Guild Wars 2‘s first expansion.

Flameseeker Chronicles: What to do first in Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons

Happy launch day! Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons is finally here! A big, meaty chunk of content the likes of which we haven't...

Enter to win a Guild Wars 2 Ultimate Collection, headset, mouse, and art print in our End of Dragons sweepstakes!

In celebration of the impending launch of Guild Wars 2's End of Dragons next week, ArenaNet has kindly granted MassivelyOP an epic prize pack...

One Shots: Please, please stand in the fire

While any seasoned MMORPG player may look at our first screenshot, courtesy of Utakata in Blade and Soul, and start developing sympathetic twitches, don't...
Jade is health! Maybe.

Guild Wars 2’s End of Dragons expansion has a launch date: February 28

We've finally got a date for Guild Wars 2's End of Dragons expansion: February 28th. Yep, they're making February with no more delay, which...

Working As Intended: The hits and misses of MassivelyOP’s 2021 predictions

Last year's MMORPG predictions didn't exactly go to plan, since in 2019, we weren't really expecting 2020 to play out the way it did....

Massively Overthinking: Should MMOs have endings – or at least end points?

I suspect most MMO players are going to read that question and immediately balk at it. We think of MMOs as being defined in...

Why I Play: Returning to Guild Wars 2 and exploring elite specs after nine years

I have a strange history with Guild Wars 2. I fell hard for the pre-launch hype, and when it finally arrived, I loved it...

Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire and Heart of Thorns expansion bundle is half off through Amazon right now

A few weeks back on the MOP Podcast, I suggested to our listeners that if they were thinking about getting into Guild Wars 2...

Fight or Kite: How Guild Wars 2’s Harbinger, Willbender, and Virtuoso stack up in PvP

Guild Wars 2 has always been my go-to home for MMOs. There’s just so much the studio did right when designing the game. But...

Flameseeker Chronicles: The End of Dragons reveal didn’t wow people – and that’s OK

We finally have our first real peek at the features and story of Guild Wars 2’s third expansion, End of Dragons. It has been...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Three better ways Guild Wars 2 could have wrapped up The Icebrood Saga

It’s easy to be critical of a game when it lets us down. In some ways, it’s equally easy to fall into the trap...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Lessons Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons can learn from previous expansions

Any expansion announcement for any MMO is always a cause for excitement, but it's been four years since Guild Wars 2 shipped a new...

Massively Overthinking: Are you susceptible to second-hand MMO hype?

So there's a thing going around the MOP virtual offices lately: Elite Dangerous hype. Between Chris and Ben especially, the excitement for Odyssey is...
Call a spade a spade.

Guild Wars 2’s Wintersday is now upon us as the game goes on sale for half off

The festive season has returned to Tyria this week as Guild Wars 2's Wintersday has just rolled out. ArenaNet says it'll run through January...

PSA: Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire expansion is on sale at half price

It's time once more for another Guild Wars 2 sale. Specifically, the Path of Fire expansion has its price slashed in half (non-affiliate link),...

Guild Wars 2’s End of Dragons expansion takes us to Cantha in 2021

There's gobs of addenda to this post as the stream rolled along today, so scroll down to the bottom for the big news! There's a...

Flameseeker Chronicles: How Guild Wars 2 keeps meta maps relevant

Lately I’ve been spending a lot of my time in Guild Wars 2 running through the Drizzlewood Coast meta event (be sure to check...

Guild Wars 2 makes Whisper in the Dark free this week while the community creates an anthology of hopeful stories

While this free episodic stuff was brought up by us near the end of April, consider this your gentle reminder that Guild Wars 2...

PSA: Guild Wars 2 puts Path of Fire on sale, grants free cape, living story episodes, and XP boost

If you've been sitting around during quarantine wishing ArenaNet would put Guild Wars 2 on sale so you could jump in or pick up...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Reviewing ArenaNet’s Complete Art of Guild Wars 20th anniversary edition book

Talk long enough to Guild Wars fans about their favorite franchise, and chances are that sooner or later, they will start gushing about the...