
Vitae Aeternum: First impressions of New World’s greatsword and world revamp

We come now to part two of my early impressions of New World's sprawling Brimstone Sands update. Previously in our Vitae Aeternum column, I...

Vitae Aeternum: First impressions of New World’s Brimstone Sands and Nightveil Hallow

It's finally here: New World has launched its fall update, and the Soulwardens of Aeternum now venture into the wastes of Brimstone Sands. This is...

Embers Adrift suffered a crash for its launcher and website overnight, but there is a workaround

By all accounts, the launch of Embers Adrift was generally pretty smooth, so consider it a bit of a downer that the game's login...

First impressions of Embers Adrift, the Kickstarted MMORPG once known as Saga of Lucimia

Those who know me will attest that I am not an old-school MMORPG player by heart. Every time I thought about getting into EverQuest...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s original Manderville Man

There are some divisive characters in Final Fantasy XIV, but in some ways Hildibrand Helidor Maximilian Manderville stands above all of them - not...

Embers Adrift’s weekend launch actually went fairly smoothly

Despite the oddity of launching an MMORPG on a Saturday, the Embers Adrift team is no doubt breaking out the bubbly thanks to a...

Choose My Adventure: Returning to the very beginning of Lost Ark

I've been away from Lost Ark long enough that I'm effectively being left in the dust in terms of endgame - presumably, anyway -...

Stick and Rudder: Venturing into EVE Online’s nullsec

EVE Online is a game that offers many experiences, from NPC faction warfare to harvesting, refining, and building to market speculation. But the one...

Choose My Adventure: Temtem is just not for me

I'll open with a little personal opinion: I've never liked the baseline Pokemon games. It never appealed to me when it first released, the...

Choose My Adventure: The joy of hunting for new critters to add to the Temtem collection

I'm going to be honest, the initial worry when I saw what won last week's Choose My Adventure poll was that I had already...
Oooh, mystery!

Wisdom of Nym: Story impressions for Final Fantasy XIV’s Buried Memory

Gosh, this has felt like a long darn week, hasn't it? I couldn't tell you why it felt so particularly long to me, but...

The Daily Grind: How does your first non-WoW MMO affect your perception of the genre?

One thing that keeps striking me in my local Pokemon GO community is how the World of Warcraft veterans, who know MMOs only through that game, try...

Global Chat: How is WildStar’s rogue server doing?

Plenty of people both here on Massively OP and out in the MMORPG community continue to hold a torch for the late, great WildStar....

Wisdom of Nym: First impressions of Final Fantasy XIV’s Buried Memory content

Everyone, you need to remember something very important about this patch. Something that it's possible you didn't even know until just now, something that...

Tales from the Holodeck: Altair Breaker is an unfinished and unsatisfying example of multiplayer VR swordplay

One of the best things I've experienced in VR gaming has been swordfighting. Sure, waving a controller around to translate it into sword strikes...

Global Chat: When you can’t ignore the MMO meta

As we kick off another column on recent MMO blog essays, Galactic Antics uses a recent situation in Star Wars: The Old Republic as...

Tower of Fantasy increases server populations, limits chat spamming, and promises to fight cheaters

The devs of Tower of Fantasy have checked in with a new report that collects some of the latest updates made to the shared...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that took aim at World of Warcraft

The fact that we currently have a Big Five in the MMO space is a big change from not so long ago, when the...

First Impressions: Tower of Fantasy is Genshin Impact in a PSO2 costume (and it’s actually pretty good)

Let's go ahead and get this out of the way: Tower of Fantasy, the new shared world RPG from publisher Level Infinite and developer...

MultiVersus players are facing DMCA strikes for uploading footage with modded character skins

The multiplayer character brawler MultiVersus has seen itself gain plenty of fans and made some strong impressions on two of our own writers. However,...