internet spaceships


Elite: Dangerous features in a new Oculus Rift trailer

A new Oculus trailer this week is intent on reminding everyone that Elite: Dangerous is indeed available on the Oculus Rift VR platform. "Frontier was...

The Daily Grind: Do your MMO choices actually reflect your playstyle?

Massively OP reader Leiloni tipped us off to a great blog post by MMO blogger Ethan "Isarii" Macfie, in which the author questions his...

EVE Evolved: Fixing EVE’s New Player Experience (again)

It's become almost a running joke in the comments of articles that EVE Online is a great game to read about but not nearly...

Elite: Dangerous expounds on engineers and ship modifications

The latest edition of Elite: Dangerous' newsletter is out, and it shines a spotlight on the engineers. A special type of NPC, the engineers...

Massively OP’s guide to MMO business models

Not too long ago, there was all but one way that you would pay for an MMO, and that was as a monthly subscription....

Star Citizen’s Prospector is a covert miner

Those who assume that mining in Star Citizen will be drudgery and boredom personified could have that perspective challenged by piloting the Prospector. The Prospector...

Elite: Dangerous plans Q2 Horizons and Engineers rollout for Xbox One

Frontier Developments announced today that Elite: Dangerous' Horizons season/expansion catch-up patch is on the way for Xbox One this quarter -- including the 2.0...

The Daily Grind: How would canceled MMOs be doing right now if they were still operating?

Many of us have our private (or not-so-private) sorrows regarding shuttered MMORPGs. Yes, we wish that they were still alive and often opine that...

EVE Fanfest 2016: Andie Nordgren on EVE Online’s Citadel expansion launch and beyond

EVE Online's highly anticipated Citadel expansion has now launched, adding a whole new class of player-built structures to the game for corporations to build...

EVE Fanfest 2016: CCP Falcon on Fanfest, the EVE community, and harassment

Over its almost 13 years of operation, sci-ci MMO EVE Online has gained a largely undeserved reputation for antisocial behaviour. EVE is built on...

EVE Online gives a heads-up about Citadel changes to carrier pilots

With EVE Online on the cusp of its Citadel expansion, it's a good time to prepare for all of the changes that will come...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 62: EVE Fanfest and PAX East

Justin and Bree are joined by Brendan and Eliot for a full hour of EVE Fanfest and PAX East debriefing.
Practice makes something!

An EVE Online television show is in the works

MMOs and television series might not seem like two tastes that go great together, but it makes more than a little sense for EVE...
Space! It exists, and stuff.

Elite’s latest patch fixes many Xbox issues, introduces Arena

While both the PC and Xbox One versions of Elite: Dangerous are getting a patch today, the one on the console is much meatier....

EVE Fanfest 2016: Project Nova will include territorial warfare, link with EVE

At this week's EVE Fanfest 2016, CCP Games revealed its new PC first person shooter Project Nova that has risen from the ashes of console FPS DUST...

Elite Dangerous works on experimental mods, traffic control, and better mission system

Never let it be said that Elite Dangerous isn't an ambitious title. Right now, Frontier has projects going on to benefit three versions of...

EVE Fanfest 2016: Industrial citadels and drilling platforms in EVE Online

EVE Online's Citadel expansion goes live in just a few days on April 27th, opening the floodgates on a new era of space colonisation for players....

The Daily Grind: Are we ever going to see a WoW-killer-killer?

On this week's Massively OP Podcast, Justin and I tried to answer a question from a listener named Kenny, who proposed that we consider...

EverQuesting: Daybreak is on the right side of the MMORPG legacy server debate

WoW is stupid. Yes, I said it. World of Warcraft is dumb. More accurately, I should say Blizzard is stupid. The reason? Its stance...

EVE Fanfest 2016: Project Nova rises from DUST 514’s ashes

On May 14th 2013, CCP Games optimistically launched its first attempt to penetrate the console & shooter markets with DUST 514. The game had...