Fntastic is hosting a map-making contest for its revised prop hunting game, and no, players won’t get paid
Remember last month when developer Fntastic said it wouldn't use volunteer labor to build its upcoming prop hunting rehash game Items? The studio is...
Fntastic pulls the plug on Escape Factory crowdfunding, shifts instead to another prop hunt game
If we're all very honest, the crowdfunding drive for The Day Before developer Fntastic's obstacle course platformer Escape Factory was very likely never going...
The Daily Grind: How diligent are you with your MMO inventory management?
We have all accepted that however ridiculous video games are, there is a limit in that you cannot actually carry endless amounts of stuff...
The Daily Grind: What’s the most obscure piece of MMO merch you own?
Every so often I am reminded that my Rowsdower plushie is actually really hecking rare. I got it as a thing because I pick...
The Daily Grind: Would you ever consider giving an in-game MMO gift?
Sometimes all of us have more money in-game than out of the game. Sometimes you have friends where the only real personal connection is...
World of Warcraft shows off the new mounts and pets of Rise of Azshara
Yes, we still do not have an actual date for World of Warcraft's next major content update, so if you're waiting for Rise of Azshara...
Crowfall details the item rewards coming with its next major patch
One of the major goals for Crowfall is to have a shallow power curve, but one of the things that you want as a player...
The Daily Grind: How useless does an MMO drop need to be before it’s vendor trash?
Vendor trash is a weird idea in lots of games. There are usually even specific categories of it; any gray item in World of Warcraft...
Not So Massively: Yearning for an MMO future free of loot
Throughout all of the Drama over Anthem's loot issues, I've just been rolling my eyes. Not because I think Bioware screwed up -- arguably...
Blade & Soul previews weapon and gear updates ahead of its Theater of Mystery patch
The next update for Blade and Soul arrives on December 5th, and your gear will never be the same. Specifically, a lot of it will...
Final Fantasy XIV previews the improved search function arriving with patch 4.35
There's a real dearth of vendor trash in Final Fantasy XIV. Almost everything is useful for something, somewhere. This encourages players to hoard a...
Blade & Soul shows off enhancing your gear with its new Augment system
Legendary accessories in Blade & Soul are the sort of things that you know you can wear for a very long time without replacing....
Final Fantasy XIV plans to roll back greed-only looting in alliance raids
Sometimes reasonable ideas don't quite work out. Final Fantasy XIV's latest loot change is an obvious example of that; the developers wanted to solve...
The Daily Grind: What unusual MMO merch do you own?
No, dear readers, I do not own a set of Destiny 2 candles. But they're the most recent bit of odd merchandising and memorabilia...
Final Fantasy XI challenges players to another alphabetical Easter event
If you've played Final Fantasy XI through any given Easter event, you probably have a vivid memory of hearing people shout for various eggs...
Crowfall details its upcoming vendor system
Here's the next big system coming to Crowfall: Vendors! No, wait, come back, stop muttering that every game have those. This is different, this...
Neverwinter details the rewards of the Lost City of Omu
There's no pretense that the real treasures in Neverwinter are the friendships you make along the way. The real treasures are treasures. They are...
Destiny 2 players find that equipment promising more loot provides no real change
Saying that something "provides more loot" is a rather vague statement, but there are items in Destiny 2 that are entirely based around the...
Path of Exile is adding a map stash tab
Where are you going to store all of your maps in Path of Exile? There are too many maps, and you have no place...
Revelation Online encourages you to strip… your gear of enhancements
It is possible that Revelation Online could have used a thesaurus for its latest feature, as "stripping your gear" produces a mental image that...