Jonathan Del Arco helms Star Trek Online’s 33rd season, Unveiled, launching February 11


Everyone’s worried about the future of Cryptic’s MMOs post-Cryptic, including us, but Star Trek Online is forging onward into 2025 with the promise of a new update next month: Star Trek Online: Unveiled launches February 11th on PC (March 11th on console), just in time for the game’s 15th birthday. It marks the sci-fi MMO’s 33rd season.

“In Star Trek Online: Unveiled, a new and far more sinister Borg incursion is taking place in the Ram Izad system. While responding to a request for help from Hugh, renowned Cooperative Borg Faction Leader and Executive Director of the Reclamation Project, players will discover the damaged and seemingly abandoned ship of Aetherian leader, Thaseen-Fei, in the Delta Quadrant. Mounting a search-and-rescue mission, the Players must reunite with familiar faces in order to uncover the truth about what went wrong aboard the Harmony! This new adventure features beloved Star Trek franchise star Jonathan Del Arco who returns to the Trek universe as Hugh, the renowned Cooperative Borg Faction Leader. Jonathan Del Arco is known for playing Hugh in the fifth and sixth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, alongside reprising the role in the first season of Star Trek: Picard.”

The update includes the new Axion episode (“Mount a search-and-rescue and uncover the truth of what went wrong aboard the Aetherian ship, the Harmony, and find your contact, Hugh, leader of the Cooperative Borg Faction!”) and the 15th anniversary event, with the possibility of the T6 Garret Command Alliance Dreadnought Cruiser reward.

Worth a small mention here: Arc Games, which is basically the publishing arm of PWE/Cryptic that merged into Gearbox after the sale to Embracer, is indeed still publishing the DECA/Cryptic MMOs.

Source: Press release, official site
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