The former head of SOE and Daybreak. Affectionately known to gamers as “Smed.”
john smedley
H1Z1 aims for a ‘massive world,’ adds team members and resources
Daybreak Game Company isn't pulling back on H1Z1's development, but is instead doubling down on the survival zombie sandbox by adding more team members...
John Smedley talks smack to nearly 25,000 banned H1Z1 players
Do you like people who cheat in online games? Daybreak president John Smedley does not. After 24,837 H1Z1 accounts were banned for cheating (7,000...
The Daily Grind: Do you crave night-and-day cycles in MMOs?
Earlier this week, Daybreak's John Smedley told H1Z1 fans about a metric that startled me: An awful lot of post-apoc gamers are annoyed with night...
Daybreak’s John Smedley: ‘Modders getting paid is an awesome idea’
Where do you come down on the subject of paying for game mods? While the reality of the issue might be off the table...
Smedley has bright predictions for PlanetSide 2’s future
It's been said before and will be said again a few more times before it's no longer true: Fans of Daybreak games are a...
Daybreak’s John Smedley: EverQuest Next isn’t ‘vaporware’
Even though the big SOE-to-Daybreak transformation happened three months ago, the entire ordeal still feels fresh to many fans. An air of uncertainty permeates speculation...
MMO Week in Review: The future of EverQuest Next [May 3, 2015]
Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review!
Smedley: We will support EQ and EQII ‘for the very long haul’
"I firmly believe the days of the WoW-style MMO are over," Daybreak's John Smedley told earlier this week. Apparently that ruffled a few feathers in...
Daybreak launches new site, triggers week of celebratory events
Daybreak Game Company now has a new home and logo to make its transition from Sony Online Entertainment complete.
"We are so proud of our...
Here are a whole bunch of H1Z1 news links
This H1Z1 news roundup is brought to you by MassivelyOP reader Kinya, who dropped so many links in our tip box that the usual...
H1Z1 has sold a million copies on Steam
I think you'll agree with me that Daybreak could really use some good news right about now, and today, it's got some. Daybreak President...
H1Z1 won’t charge for Battle Royale anytime soon
After announcing yesterday that it would be offering a $6.99 monthly pass for H1Z1's Battle Royale mode, Daybreak Game Company said today that it...
H1Z1 will offer optional ‘monthly passes’ for battle royale
Daybreak president John Smedley has informally announced via Twitter that the studio's zombie survival MMO H1Z1 is getting a sub -- sort of.
"We've decided...
H1Z1 eyes battle royale season pass
Would you pay for a season pass to H1Z1's popular battle royale content? And if so, how much would you shell out for it?
EverQuesting: Daybreak, SOE Live, and the resurrection of Fan Faire
It's been quite a week! And not just for Massively Overpowered. Right as our original site was sunsetting, SOE announced that it was bought...
Daybreak teams reassure MMO players, deflect DDoS attacks
More assurances are coming your way from Daybreak Games, this time from reps of each of the studio's games.
"Absolutely nothing" has changed, according to...
The Soapbox: Has F2P worked for SOE?
The MassivelyOP staff was discussing the SOE Daybreak armageddon recently, and given the total absence of public data relating to who or what was...
Daybreak’s John Smedley: EverQuest Next is going to be ‘more than ok’
Worried about this week's mass firings of Daybreak employees and wondering what might happen to both Landmark and EverQuest Next? The studio has a...