kingsisle entertainment

Studio known primarily for Wizard101 and Pirate101.

The MOP Up: Diablo levels up in Heroes of the Storm (May 13, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Wizard101’s Doctor Who event is bigger on the inside

Someone over at KingsIsle is obviously a big Doctor Who fan, because Wizard101's current event is a thinly veiled homage to that sci-fi series....

Jukebox Heroes: Five great YouTube channels for MMO music

As a collector and reviewer of MMORPG soundtracks, I owe a great debt to fellow music lovers who take the time to somehow extract...

Wizard101 plans its 10-year anniversary while Pirate101 grooms Handsome Dan

With the 10th anniversary of Wizard101 approaching, the team at KingsIsle is squirreling itself away behind closed doors to plan a grand soiree. We...

Forget matchmaking – Wizard101 introduces ‘hatchmaking’

"Hatchmaking?" you say. "What is that?" Leave it to Wizard101 to come up with a quirky new twist on MMO gameplay. In the family-friendly title's...

Battle Bards Episode 112: MMO minigame music

It’s time to take a diversion to play — and listen — to the minigames tucked inside of our MMOs! The Battle Bards haul...

The MOP Up: Pocket PUBG (December 3, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

The Stream Team: Get your Wizard101 Empyrean Castaway’s Bundle

Did you miss out on the holiday deals this weekend? Well, Massively OP's MJ has something better than a sale: a giveaway! She has...

Wizard101 sends players to adventure at the heart of the Spiral with part one of Empyrea

At the center of the Spiral in Wizard101 sits Empyrea, which was made to keep the Chaos Heart safe. It accomplishes that goal by,...

The Stream Team: Giving away creepy clown Halloween bundles in Wizard101

Halloween is all about collecting goodies, and Massively OP's MJ has some Wizard101 goodies to give away! Special for the season, she has a...

Boat mounts, Halloween, and Billy the Kid blast into Wizard101 and Pirate101

As Pirate101 celebrates its fifth birthday this month, there is no shortage of things to keep budding buccaneers occupied in this strategy MMO. New...

Wizard101 relishes its accomplishments so far this year

It has been a big and busy year for Wizard101, and the team wants to make sure that you notice and appreciate everything it's...

Wizard101 and Pirate101 weather DDOS attacks

If you have tried to log in and play Wizard101 or Pirate101 in the past 24 hours, you may have experienced disappointment as the...

Wizard101 celebrates its ninth birthday with free gifts

Here's one MMO that we didn't realize was creeping up on a decade of live operation! Wizard101 is celebrating its ninth birthday this week,...

The MOP Up: State of Decay 2’s multiplayer mayhem (August 27, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Into the unknown.

Perfect Ten: MMOs obsessed with the floating islands trope

One of the fun things about this hobby is that certain tropes repeat themselves constantly. And they're usually weirdly specific tropes, too. Poop quests,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 127: EVE walks no more

Justin and Bree discuss Secret World Legends, LOTRO, Elder Scrolls Online, Guild Wars 2, EVE, SWTOR, Black Desert, Albion, and Citadel, plus a mailbag question on class and character investment in MMORPGs, with a special interview segment featuring ARK: Survival Evolved composer Gareth Coker.

The Stream Team: Win a Wizard101 Fantastic Voyage Gauntlet Bundle

A new bundle of goodies is available for Wizard101, and you can either go buy it at Wal-mart or you could watch and win...

Wizard101 tests chat channels while Pirate101 has fun with a rooster sheriff

Here's something interesting we learned this week by perusing the Wizard101 newsletter: The game apparently has a stronger following than you'd think among YouTubers, bloggers,...

KingsIsle shows off new Wizard101 and Pirate101 content

How long does it take for KingsIsle developers to go from concept to execution when it comes to Wizard101 and Pirate101 content? According to...