
Desert Oasis: So, is the PlayStation 5 an upgrade for Black Desert on console?

Way back in August, I did a first impression of Black Desert for the PlayStation 4. It was a solid game, but I couldn't...

EverQuest’s Claws of Veeshan expansion gets a December launch date (and a $250 edition)

Pull your excited face out of long-term storage, boys and girls, because EverQuest's latest expansion is coming sooner than you'd think. In fact, Daybreak...
I'm on a boat.

Atlas answers community questions about future plans for trade, ships, sea content, and the claim system

With no patch for Atlas arriving this week, the devs at Grapeshot Games have taken the opportunity to answer some player questions about what's...

Warframe has now formally launched on PlayStation 5

Who had any doubts that Warframe would be among the first to leap onto next-generation consoles? Pretty much nobody, I see. So for those of...

World of Warcraft vows that fixing unstable servers is its ‘number one priority’

While World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has, by and large, enjoyed a favorable launch week so far, that doesn't mean that the expansion is free...
Something's gonna change my UI.

Prosperous Universe announces an early access launch behind a monthly subscription

Prosperous Universe isn't quite so prosperous from a fiscal standpoint, apparently. The developers have announced that a monthly subscription to play the game is...
It makes you go.

Star Trek Online lets Klingons fly the new and improved Titan

If you haven't yet watched Star Trek: Lower Decks... well, what are you waiting for? But if you have, you'll know that there's an...

Wild Terra 2’s early access has been postponed to the end of January 2021

My inbox is telling an interesting story today - the story of how gaming studios are busy dumping all their bad news right before...

PlayStation 5 launch is officially the biggest console launch in history

The PlayStation 5 has a lot to recommend it. It has backwards compatibility with a good library of games. It's rather nice to look at....
Not paying attention is not a mark of honor.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMO blessings to be thankful for in 2020

There is no doubt that this has been a much more difficult year than most in many respects, almost to the point where it's...

Ship of Heroes outlines its mission creation process, promises about 40 hours of content for an alt

While the fact that Ship of Heroes is working on missions isn't anything exactly new, there is a dev blog posted today that takes...

First Impressions: Atlas Rogues’ current early access is a broken imitation of Atlas Reactor

Thanks to some truly weird control scheme issues, it took me an absurdly long time to clear a tutorial level. That was my opening...
Are you, like... doing all right?

NCsoft Q3 2020: Guild Wars 2 just had its best revenue quarter in two years

Let's get the best news for western players in this NCsoft financial report out first: Guild Wars 2 just saw a bit of a...
Oh look,

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands enjoys a relatively smooth launch, sees first level 60

World of Warcraft may have just experienced one of its smoothest expansion rollouts yet. Yesterday evening, Shadowlands launched simultaneously around the globe, and by...

TitanReach resurfaces with a new dev blog full of updates and promise of more communication

Hey, do you remember Titan Reach? It styled itself as a modern take on the old-school MMORPG and cast its fortunes with a Kickstarter...

The Soapbox: How Pathfinder killed World of Warcraft for me

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands launches today. I will not be playing. Once upon a time, a new WoW expansion would be a major event...
A shameful spread of riches.

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on the timeline of the next Final Fantasy XIV expansion

There are known unknowns and then there are unknown unknowns. This is true when it comes to Final Fantasy XIV at the moment. We know...

World of Warcraft Shadowlands is upon us tonight as WoW turns 16 years old

At long last - and I do mean long, since the expansion broke with modern tradition and actually saw a delay at almost the...
zap zap zap

Phantasy Star Online 2 announces a November 25 campaign to get players prepared for Episode 6

For those playing Phantasy Star Online 2 that worry they're a little behind the curve to get into the upcoming Episode 6 update, fear...

World of Warcraft makes good on its new multiboxing policy, confirms delay of endgame grinds until post-launch

Earlier in the month, we reported on a shift in World of Warcraft's multiboxing policy that was going to leverage action against those who...