
If you keep up login issues long enough, you don't have congestion problems any longer.

The Elder Scrolls Online addresses console launch login issues

The launch of The Elder Scrolls Online on consoles had some issues, chiefly that players were trying to log in and were unable to...
Here we are again, and we're looking at each other as if each other was to blame.

Final Fantasy XIV plans 24-hour maintenance for Heavensward

Only a little more than a week remains before Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion moves into early access for players. But if you have...
Hunt that thing.

Monster Hunter Online gets an elder dragon tomorrow

Are you ready for the good news? Monster Hunter Online's first elder dragon, a chap named Tartaronis, will be added tomorrow. And now for...

Black Desert launching in Korea on July 14

The gorgeous fantasy sandbox Black Desert will be launching in about a month -- in Korea, that is. The game posted a notice on...

Massively Opinionated: Was ESO’s console release worth the wait?

In this episode, Larry, Troy, Andrew, and Lee debate Elder Scrolls Online, its console launch, and its missing features.

Sword Coast Legends coming to PC on September 8

Sword Coast Legends is officially releasing on September 8th, according to a blurb on the game's official website. That's on the PC, mind you,...
A wreck of our ambition

The Repopulation tweaks combat and building in its latest patch

Launch rushes onward toward The Repopulation like... some sort of extremely fast launch-related thing. The metaphor isn't perfect. Neither is the game's combat system,...
Let's go take ourselves a king, I guess?

Leaks indicate Destiny’s next expansion will launch September 15th

You can never be sure if a leak is on the level or if it's just a bunch of speculation. But you can make...

Tamriel Infinium: The pros and cons of Elder Scrolls Online’s console versions

As of today, you can now play Elder Scrolls Online on your consoles as well as your PC. Finally, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 gamers can play...
You won't be going here for a while first.

Final Fantasy XIV outlines E3 plans and starts an art countdown

Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion launches into early access in just 10 days as of this writing, right after the wrapup of this year's...
Well, this is... not a good thing for the game, no...

Login issues plague The Elder Scrolls Online’s console launch

Console players had a long wait time before they could get their hands on copies of The Elder Scrolls Online, but the game has...

Not So Massively: Heroes of the Storm launches, Infinite Crisis gives up

It's been a week of mixed feelings in the land of MOBAs, with the thrill of a new game launch juxtaposed against the background...

X-Wing spiritual successor Starfighter Inc. fails to fund

You can't win them all, kid. And while $226,000 is an impressive chunk of money to raise for a game, it wasn't enough to...

Age of Wulin’s Blood & Flowers expansion launches on June 16

Age of Wulin is getting a new expansion on June 16th. It's called Chapter 6: Blood & Flowers, and it includes Lingxiao City, a...
This is who we were.

Wisdom of Nym: Predicting the story beats for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward

At the time you read this, you'll have about 11 days left until early access starts up for Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion --...

Wander struggles with bugs, crashes

If you're thinking of picking up Wander to enjoy an exploration-heavy, non-combat MMO, you may want to consider waiting until some of its rougher...

MMO Week in Review: Eyes on EverQuest Next (June 7, 2015)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! Hey,...

PvE sandbox Villagers and Heroes is reborn tomorrow

When I last checked in on indie PvE sandbox Villagers and Heroes a year ago, the Steam launch was busy rocking the game with dramatic...

Splatoon is Nintendo’s first serious entry into online gaming

Gaming giant Nintendo is no stranger to online play, but its online play usually comes with distinct limitations on the game that features it. The Animal Crossing series takes...

EverQuesting: Why I cheered when EQ’s progression server crashed

When EverQuest's newest progression server Ragefire came online then took an immediate nosedive, I sprang from my chair cheering. Hey now, don't aim those eye...