Official Site: Lineage II
Studio: NCsoft
Launch Date: April 27, 2004 (US)
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
See Also: Lineage, Lineage Eternal
lineage ii
Check out some live footage of Lineage II: Revolution
If you missed it, Lineage II: Revolution is out right now in Korea. It's like Lineage II but mobile, which means you're probably imagining...
Jukebox Heroes: Massively OP’s guide to grabbing 120+ MMO soundtracks
One of the most common questions that I'm asked from my adoring throngs on the street is, "Justin, where oh where can I get...
Battle Bards Episode 87: Elves!
It’s high time that the Battle Bards lie prostrate at the feet of their social and intellectual superiors, the high and mighty Elves! Yes,...
Lineage II: Revolution arrives on December 14
Mobile gamers look like they will be getting an early Christmas present from Netmarble, as Lineage II: Revolution's launch has finally been dated for...
NCsoft appears to be blocking former Soviet states from WildStar
Reports this morning that players in various former Soviet countries, among others, had been unceremoniously barred from accessing NCsoft MMORPGs WildStar and Guild Wars...
NCsoft Q3 2016: Declines for WildStar, Guild Wars 2, and Blade & Soul
NCsoft released its Q3 2016 financial results this morning. Here's a quick look at how the major MMORPGs are doing:
WildStar's sales have plummeted,...
NCsoft sues Lineage II partner over copyright infringement
Well this will make for awkward encounters in the corporate hallways.
Apparently NCsoft is levying a lawsuit against its own business partner, Netmarble, for infringing...
Massively Overthinking: Our five favorite MMORPGs of all time
Earlier this week, Redditor maxpower888 started an epic thread on the /r/mmorpg sub asking everyone to chime in and name his or her top five...
TERA: Patrick ‘Treeshark’ Sun departs, Halloween arrives
Seattle claims another MMO dev: TERA Producer Patrick "Treeshark" Sun told players that he's leaving En Masse tomorrow.
"In my stead, Matt 'Denommenator' Denomme will...
The MOP Up: Neverwinter brings the thunder to consoles (October 23, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
NCsoft begins hyping Lineage Red Knights with Seoul event
NCsoft has finally begun turning on the hype machine for Lineage Red Knights with an English-language website meant for Southeast Asia. Announced last year...
Lineage II: Revolution cancels beta tests, launch window in question
With all of the current, upcoming, and spin-off Lineage titles out there, you might need a flow chart to keep them all straight in...
Battle Bards Episode 83: Triumphant Victory!
Triumph and victory — are they the same thing? Sometimes, but not always. On today’s breathtaking episode of Battle Bards, the team tackles triumphant...
Lineage 2 Classic adds sieges, fishing, and achievements
It's heady times for fans of Lineage 2 Classic, as the European server has patched in its Saviors update.
This large content patch contains many...
Battle Bards Episode 81: Goblins, Orcs, and Ogres!
They may be ugly. They may be smelly. And they may have no table manners whatsoever. What, we're not talking about the Battle Bards!...
Lineage II offers players an item pack as a show of appreciation
Lineage II has had a nice long run across the world, and the team behind the game appreciates the players who have stuck with...
Lineage Eternal aims for a beta test in November
When the wait seems... eternal for some upcoming MMOs, it can be helpful to hear that the gears of development and testing are moving, even...
The MOP Up: Project Gorgon’s pig dance party (August 7, 2016)
The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Get your first look at Lineage II: Revolution
Looking for a powerhouse MMO to fit into your smartphone or tablet? One such contender deserves your attention, thanks to the legacy from which...
Multiplayer ARPG Heroes of Incredible Tales is out on Android and iOS today
It's not quite an MMO, but Heroes of Incredible Tales does have an MMO pedigree: It's the first-born spawn of Yong-Hyun Park's NAT Games...