lord of the rings online

Official Site: Lord of the Rings Online
Studio: Standing Stone Games, formerly Turbine/WB Interactive Entertainment; published by Daybreak Game Company
Launch Date: April 24, 2007
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Warframe of Mind: Get ready to rock with playable instruments

Digital Extremes can sure pack a bunch of good stuff in its Warframe Twitch shows, and July 26th's devstream #129 was no exception. But...

Lord of the Rings Online patches in swamp monsters, Captain changes, and scion difficulty

The pretty, fairy tale-like quality of Lord of the Rings Online's Vale of Anduin is being infested by a sinister streak, thanks to Tuesday's...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 232: Girl Dwarves rock our world

Justin and Bree discuss WoW, LOTRO, DDO, Guild Wars 2, Star Trek Online, Skyforge, City of Heroes, SWG Legends, and Marvel Heroes.

DDO starts testing permadeath server, LOTRO’s Stout Axe Dwarves will be included in fall expansion

With the debut of Dungeons and Dragons Online's 90-day permadeath server heading our way on August 16th, it is fairly imperative that Standing Stone...

Jukebox Heroes: The best of LOTRO’s Vales of Anduin score

With a reduced budget and a smaller team, Lord of the Rings Online can't afford to throw gobs of money at composers and orchestras...

One Shots: Indulging in nostalgia

When an MMORPG recedes into the rearview mirror of life, all you are left with are memories, music... and screenshots. It's amazing how a...
Ah, no.

LOTRO Legendarium: A timeline of Lord of the Rings Online from 1994 to 2019

When I wrapped up writing my previous LOTRO column on the game's first year of live operation, I felt that I had left this...

LOTRO announces Stout Axe Dwarves, DDO reveals Alchemist class and permadeath server

Standing Stone Games showed up to Indy's GenCon this week -- and dropped some huge announcements for both Lord of the Rings Online and...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offers the best farming and gardening experience?

Not gonna lie, I really like farming in MMOs. No, not the grindy kind of farming, just the actual process of farming crops on...

Lord of the Rings Online gets swamped with its next update

While it's not a major content update, Lord of the Rings Online's 24.2 patch promises to deliver a nice slice of adventuring fun as...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best player-run event you’ve ever witnessed in an MMO?

It'd be tempting to think that back in the long, long ago when MMOs were still young, MMO players weren't quite as jaded about...

Here are all of the Lord of the Rings Online events for the rest of the year

Is it too early to start making Christmas plans? Have you got everything you need for Bilbo's birthday? What about going shopping for Durin's...
Here we go again.

Global Chat: Ranking World of Warcraft’s expansions

Have you ever tried your hand at ranking all of World of Warcraft's expansions from worst to best? Sure you have, because everyone's done...

LOTRO Legendarium: The first year of LOTRO’s operation

It was April 24th, 2007. World of Warcraft players were deep into The Burning Crusade, SOE had just launched Vanguard, and the indie MMO...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best sound design?

I've long held the opinion that one of the most underrated elements of effective MMORPGs is a really good sound design. I'm not just...

Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMORPG zones of all time

I once heard it said that a popular studio - I think it was Blizzard - made it a point of asking prospective developers...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Why Guild Wars 2 is the ideal starter MMO

When I met my wife, she was a console gamer, but she had never played an MMO. She was interested in giving some of...

The Daily Grind: Are there any MMO zones that you absolutely hate to leave?

Last week, in the comments of Tyler's Soapbox about Lord of the Rings MMOs, a few commenters were discussing LOTRO's version of the Shire...

The MOP Up: Ragnarok Online EU is relaunching

Ragnarok Online is changing hands in Europe, and as part of that, the long-running fantasy MMO is relaunching with a different spin under 4game....

The Stream Team: Listen to a little of Lord of the Rings Online’s annual Weatherstock

Last week offered a taste of the famed annual Weatherstock concert in LOTRO, and now you can experience the main show! Massively OP's MJ...