monster hunter
Recapping Nintendo Direct’s Splatoon 3, Animal Crossing x Mario, Monster Hunter Rise, and more
Last night's Nintendo Direct was about much more than new Xenoblade characters! While I'm sure the single-player stuff has some people interested or curious (for...
Massively on the Go: Monster Hunter Rise’s demo is merely a less pretty taste of Monster Hunter World
I have to admit, from the demo, Monster Hunter Rise isn't what I was expecting. Having played Monster Hunter World on both PS4 and on...
Monster Hunter Rise showcases more monsters and Wyvern Riding feature, opens up a free demo tomorrow
There's some fresh news coming out of Monster Hunter Rise thanks to a recently premiered digital event that, among other things, showcased some new...
Monster Hunter Rise shows off a new area, new beasts, and returning foes in a trailer
The upcoming multiplayer RPG Monster Hunter Rise was present at last night's Game Awards, joining in on the cavalcade of trailer premieres. The game's...
Capcom unveils new single-player RPG and multiplayer Monster Hunter games for the Nintendo Switch
2021 is bringing a couple of new additions to the Monster Hunter series and both of them are going to be on the Nintendo...
Monster Hunter World announces plans for PC and console version parity
Considering the wide gulf between Iceborne's release on consoles versus PC, it was maybe easy to assume that PC players of Monster Hunter World...
Monster Hunter: World Iceborne adds Rajang hunt and new endgame content today, details future updates
It's all about the new hotness for Monster Hunter: World Iceborne, which might sound contradictory considering the expansion's subtitle until you realize that you're...
Monster Hunter: World Iceborne trailer (re)introduces Glavenus and heralds the return of monster subspecies
The latest trailer for Monster Hunter: World's Iceborne expansion has just hit the internets, and with it has come no small amount of hype...
Monster Hunter: World devs discuss Iceborne development as the game’s first beta test draws near
It won't be long now until hunters will be able to get their first taste of Monster Hunter: World's upcoming Iceborne expansion, with the...
Monster Hunter: World’s Iceborne expansion will release on consoles on September 6th; PC version planned for ‘winter release’
Get your cold-weather wear ready, hunters: Monster Hunter: World's Iceborne expansion officially has a release date. The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of...
Monster Hunter: World’s Witcher crossover comes to PC as devs plan spring update announcement
'Sup dawgs, we heard you like monster hunters, so we put some monster hunter in your Monster Hunter so you can monster hunt while...
Monster Hunter: World’s Spring Blossom Festival is in full bloom today
Spring has sprung in the untamed lands of Monster Hunter: World, and that can only mean one thing: It's time once again for the...
The Monster Hunter movie will hit theaters September 4 of next year
Work on the live action Monster Hunter movie continues, and now the whole shebang has a date: next year on September 4th, 2020 -...
Celebrate a year of hunting with Monster Hunter World’s Appreciation Fest event
When you've dedicated your life to hunting down and ruthlessly slaughtering valiantly vanquishing all manner of massive, fearsome monsters that would threaten the safety...
Latest Monster Hunter film photo gives hope for a (somewhat) faithful adaptation
At this point, it's a fairly natural reaction to be wary of video game movie adaptations, especially ones that employ the tired old "person...
Check out some Monster Hunter movie pics from the set courtesy of the stars themselves
Movies based on video games are... well, they're movies. The chance they end up in sometimes top 10 listicle of the worst transmedia synergies...
Capcom officially announces live-action Monster Hunter film adaptation
There have been rumors flying around for a while, but we've got more concrete details now: Capcom has confirmed that a film adaptation of its...
Fans deploy a mod to fix Monster Hunter World’s alt-tab errors on PC
There are some bugs in Monster Hunter World on PC, if you haven't noticed. A lot of them have been addressed, but one of...
Hands-on with Monster Hunter World on PC: ‘A quick and dirty port’
So you've probably heard some news about the Monster Hunter World port. PC performance issues, keyboard and mouse issues, random crashing. I wish I could...
Monster Hunter: World teases Final Fantasy XIV crossover in new trailer as Capcom stocks drop
Capcom has released a new trailer teasing the upcoming Final Fantasy XIV crossover with Monster Hunter: World, which will allow hunters to square off...