
Out of Reach is the robust survival sandbox you’ve been overlooking

Has the market reached the point of survival sandbox saturation yet? Several games are hoping that there's still raging demand out there, including Out...

Fragmented’s NPCs are gunning for you

Heads-up for any out there who thought that Fragmented's enemy mobs were timid push-overs: Those days are over. A new build for The Repopulation survival spin-off...

RUST’s player-made hobo simulator is as hardcore as they come

For some, one of the factors that keeps players returning to multiplayer sandboxes is the ability to mod the game and make up their...

E3 2016: Sea of Thieves is much more than pirate ship PvP (and might just be an MMO)

It's been awhile since I've been excited for a Rare game, but pirate-themed, multiplayer sailing-and-swashbuckling game Sea of Thieves took hold of me just based on the...

E3 2016: Sea of Thieves releases cinematic and gameplay trailers

First announced back at least year's E3, Sea of Thieves has emerged with two brand-new trailers at this year's event: a cinematic trailer and...

Escape from Tarkov’s alpha test is coming in August

Watch out, everyone: The Russian invasion is coming this summer. Escape from Tarkov announced this past weekend that it will be heading into alpha testing...
look out it is a spider

Kings and Heroes launches into Early Access today

Do you feel a hole in your life that can only be filled by a first-person dungeon crawler with online co-op and procedural generation...

The Stream Team: A first peek at Battleborn

She's not exactly sure how it happened, but MassivelyOP's MJ has started poking around more outside the MMOverse. It all starts with, "Have you...

PSA: Fragmented is 25% off in the Humble Store

Have you been waiting for a good deal before jumping on board Fragmented? Time to put your money where your interest is, for the...

Atlas Reactor welcomes one and all this weekend

Atlas Reactor is working hard to make a name for itself as a unique twist in the multiplayer PvP space. One of its challenges...
Screenshots are hard to come by. For reasons which should be obvious.

Starmourn, a new commercial MUD, is arriving in 2017

The DNA of MUDs is deeply entrenched in MMORPGs. It would be fair to say that games like MUDs, MUSHes, and the like led...
Because of course she's curvy.

Livelock reveals its final character, Catalyst

Livelock has revealed its final character out of its lineup of robots, and she's not going into battle alone. Not just in the sense...

Dive into the maw of Doom’s open beta next week

The newest iteration of Id Software's demon shooter Doom is almost upon us. Doom -- the first entry in the classic series since 2004's...

Paladins’ Illusionist Ying creates explosive prisms of pain

Teased last week, Paladins' latest revealed character - illusionist Ying, the Blossom - got a full ability scope-out video over the weekend. Illusory Mirror shoots...

Atlas Reactor’s Oz will restore your faith in humanity

Yesterday Trion Worlds' turn-based PvP title Atlas Reactor launched a special open alpha event for the world at large. The limited-time test is meant...
Robot rock.

Check out footage of the Figureheads Online pre-open beta testing

There's still no official announcement about Figureheads being localized in English, but Square-Enix's upcoming third-person mech-based shooter does have English localization files in its...

Shakes and Fidget comes to Steam

For years now Shakes and Fidget has been amusing and occupying players first as a browser title and then as a mobile app. Now...

The Stream Team: Accessing the Atlas Reactor alpha

What are MassivelyOP's Larry and MJ's reactions to Atlas Reactor? You can find out: The duo are jumping into the game's special alpha access...

Crytek’s online FPS Warface gets new Earthshaker co-op mission

While developer Crytek is well known in the MMO world for developing the engine that powers games such as ArcheAge and Star Citizen, the studio has seen a...

Build a stronghold to keep the monsters out in Fortnite

The world has ended... somehow. And you're among the few human survivors in a sea of disagreeable monsters. What to do other than to...