
It's a game of give and take.

Path of Exile shares more keystone design discussion from the Legion league

Keystones in Path of Exile have a big impact. They always offer significant power, but they also always offer a significant weakness as well,...

Expand your wardrobe with five new legendary gear sets in Grim Dawn’s latest update

Tidy up those inventories, Grim Dawn players: The latest update to Crate Entertainment's dark-fantasy ARPG, which went live yesterday, introduces five all-new legendary gear...

Sea of Thieves promises a more ‘predictable, regular cadence’ for content in latest video

In this week's Sea of Thieves developer update video, Executive Producer Joe Neate digs into the latest update for Rare's high-seas sandbox and discusses...

Betawatch: Astellia’s beta is next week and available for pre-loading

It's almost closed beta time for Astellia, with the testing starting on Tuesday. Fortunately, players who have access to the beta through one means...

RuneScape preps Breaking the Storm event, Old School rolls out Wilderness changes

This July, RuneScape's summer update The Land Out of Time will pull back the proverbial curtain on the temporally anomalous island of Anachronia, where...

Abstract Era Entertainment announces new sandbox MMO Seconds from Silence

Shh, do you hear that? That's the sound of a new MMORPG, as this week fledgling studio Abstract Era Entertainment announced the existence of...
I mean, you know what it looks like.

World of Warcraft will not split up its Classic servers based on language

If you're a European fan of World of Warcraft eager for the Classic servers to arrive, you'd better brush up on your linguistic skills....
Busy town.

Final Fantasy XIV offers up a new album ahead of its Shadowbringers maintenance

Early access for Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers begins on June 28th at 5:00 a.m. EDT, but anyone who's done the early access dance before...

New RIFT team letter discusses release cycle changes and the game’s future

Ever since Gamigo acquired Trion Worlds back in October 2018, RIFT players have been left in a sort of limbo in regard to what...
That's something like a relief.

EA CEO on Anthem: ‘I feel like that team is really going to get there with something special and something great’

We don't want to say that the mood of the Anthem fanbase is fatalistic at this point, but it's certainly not predicting that all...
Eyes cream.

World of Warcraft offers up a survival guide for next week’s Rise of Azshara launch

The next major World of Warcraft patch has been in testing for so long that we can hardly blame anyone who just opted out...

It’s the final week for Red Dead Online players to earn a care package by ranking up

If you'd like to get yourself a package stuffed with valuable... well, stuff in Red Dead Online, you should start getting to work on...

Monster Hunter: World devs discuss Iceborne development as the game’s first beta test draws near

It won't be long now until hunters will be able to get their first taste of Monster Hunter: World's upcoming Iceborne expansion, with the...
Roll some dice to see if I'm getting drunk!

Outlaws of the Old West finally allows you to be drunk and disorderly

If your game is offering players a chance to have an adventure in the Old West, it really ought to include the ability to...

Latest Path of Exile update improves Legion mechanics and steamrolls a bunch of bugs

As Path of Exile nears the end of the second week of its Legion league, the devs at Grinding Gear Games have released a...
Ohhh snap.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is easing restrictions for free-to-play and preferred players

It can be difficult to play Star Wars: The Old Republic without paying; the game has some pretty strict restrictions in place for free...

Final Fantasy XIV is removing the FATE entries from its challenge log in Shadowbringers

Here's a bit of a surprise for the upcoming Final Fantasy XIV expansion: Two of the game's Challenge Log entries are being outright removed....

Destiny 2’s fall patch turns Eververse gear into Universal Ornaments as Bungie revamps the Bright Dust economy

Tess Everis will have some new surprises in store for the Guardians of Destiny 2 this fall, Bungie has announced, as the fall patch...

Black Desert Online locks (some) player accounts in the wake of data breach

Black Desert Online appears to be in the midst of an account-security fiasco, as a recent forum post from GM Rhotaaz has announced that...

‘Classic’ MMO Dekaron announces mobile adaptation

The trend of giving old MMOs new leases on life by turning them into mobile titles continues: Korean developer ThumbAge has announced that it...