
Norrath is the fictional world of the EverQuest franchise.

EverQuest II
EverQuest Next
EverQuest Online Adventures

EverQuesting: EverQuest II’s Blood of Luclin offers an aggravating lesson on gated MMO content

To the moon, Alice! Well, I may not be Alice, but I did go straight to the moon. EverQuest II's Blood of Luclin expansion...

The Game Archaeologist: The rise and fall of Landmark and EverQuest Next

The year was 2013. Sony Online Entertainment was still a functioning and seemingly robust MMORPG studio, and its yearly SOE Live convention was a...
I am not supporting this lizard-shooting quest.

Massively Overthinking: The oldest MMORPGs we still play

When I was still a teenager in my earliest MMOs, the trend in the communities I ran in was to play MMOs sequentially, due...

The Stream Team: Learning the story of EverQuest II’s Luclin

For weeks Massively OP's MJ has been denied her showdown, so this week she will just focus on EverQuest II's Blood of Luclin signature...

EverQuesting: Looking back at EverQuest’s 21st year

There are landmark years, and then there are landmark years. (Not to be confused with Landmark, which has been gone for years.) You can...

The Stream Team: EverQuest hits drinking age!

There are birthday's and then there are 21st birthdays! And EverQuest just hit the big one. The original Norrath is commemorating turning 21 today...
My God, it's full of nonsense.

Battle Bards Episode 163: EverQuest upgraded

The Battle Bards return to the verdant fields of EverQuest for a look at the updated and remastered soundtrack that came out last year. If you...

EverQuest II brings back its Valentine’s Day event with a new quest and new rewards

The season of love has arrived to EverQuest II once again. It's Erollisi Day and this year's event is promising some new quest rewards,...

EverQuesting: Building a story brought me back to EverQuest II

Before we start: Yes, I know about the Daybreak news. And yes, I have some thoughts and questions about it. I considered tossing aside...

The Daily Grind: What is your favorite MMO spin-off?

A successful online game has the potential to draw in crowds and revenue. If it's successful enough, the studio might even splurge for a...
Just the same thing but forever.

EverQuest adds a memorial for developer Brad ‘Aradune’ McQuaid

If you find yourself wandering the lands of Norrath in EverQuest, do yourself a favor and head over to East Karana. There, you may...
Ho, then when I say so, ho again.

The Massively Overpowered 2019 winter holiday MMO roundup

The holidays are here! Well, most of them are. Some of them might not be. And as is tradition here at Massively Overpowered, we...

EverQuest’s Torment of Velious and EverQuest II’s Blood of Luclin expansions are live

Happy Expansion Week for the EverQuest franchise! EverQuest Next is releasing its second expa... what? What dimension am I in right now? One where...
Full of sound and fury. Sadly.

Global Chat: Remembering the MMO fallen

A discussion chain has been rippling across the MMO blogosphere as of late, with writers reminiscing about online games that have lived and died...

EverQuesting: Contemplating content and communication on EverQuest II’s 15th anniversary

You've no doubt heard of the quinceañera: It's the Mesoamerican coming-of-age celebration, a giant gala commemorating a girl's move to adulthood at age 15....

The Stream Team: Celebrating EverQuest II’s 15 birthday with a dragon attack!

A 15th MMO birthday is already impressive, but this one has dragons! EverQuest II has added a new event for this year's anniversary celebration,...
Don't worry, something will happen any day now.

Jukebox Heroes: Exploring EverQuest’s official soundtrack

It is fairly rare for an MMORPG to sell an official soundtrack these days unless the game is fairly prominent (i.e., Final Fantasy XIV...

The MOP Up: Warframe’s community designs stunning fashion

One really neat aspect of the ultra-popular Warframe is that Digital Extremes invites artistic community members to design cosmetics for the game. The best...

EverQuesting: Live in EverQuest II’s Baubleshire and Oakmyst Forest again – for a fee

What the what?!? How did I miss this?! I just went to browse the new things in EverQuest II's marketplace (honestly, I wanted to...

The Stream Team: Doing EverQuest II’s Days of Summer event

As promised last time, Massively OP's MJ won't be trudging all around the dino island this EverQuest II-sday. Instead, she's going to explore the...