
OARPG stands for “online action roleplaying game.”

There's never a skill for making valuable new friends.

Path of Exile adds Golems and Warcries in Awakening

Path of Exile's next major update, The Awakening, is introducing not one, not three, but two new types of skills to the game. There...
Lament the loss of tax money while proving you didn't really need that money.

Marvel Heroes puts heroes and costumes on sale for tax season

Wednesday was tax day for people in the United States, a day usually accompanied by a great deal of eye-rolling and tooth-gnashing and money...

First round of BlizzCon tix sells out

Within a few minutes of going on sale yesterday, the first round of $199 BlizzCon tickets completely sold out. The good news is that...

Spirit Lords is an adorable mobile ARPG by SWTOR’s Daniel Erickson

Jonesing for a fun mobile Diablo-like title? Then it might behoove you to check out the recently released Spirit Lords on both iOS and...

Not So Massively: LoL nerfs Nidalee, Hearthstone bans mods, and Path of Exile talks Act IV

League of Legends finally applied a nerf to controversial champion Nidalee, but players warn that it won't harm her jungling potential. Riot Games has...
Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes’ Daredevil gets tuneup, new skin

Marvel Heroes is cranking up the transmedia synergy by way of a new Daredevil promotion that fits nicely alongside the recently released Netflix television...

BlizzCon tickets go on sale this week

For many gamers, the hardest ticket to get this year is to November's BlizzCon 2015, as you have to be fast and a little...

The Stream Team: Bulking up as Marvel Heroes’ She-Hulk

Even though MassivelyOP's MJ already has a slew of heroes she needs to work on, it's hard to resist when Marvel Heroes introduces a new...
Prepare to be prepared!

How to get into Path of Exile’s Awakening beta

So you want to test the next big update for Path of Exile? That's understandable; it's a big update that promises a whole lot...

Previewing Path of Exile’s mind-blowing Act IV

If you thought Path of Exile's previous three content updates would be hard acts to follow, you clearly haven't heard enough about the upcoming...
hooray sorta

Diablo III’s Patch 2.2.0 adds and improves items

Health potions are one of the core elements of Diablo III, but they're not actually interesting to stock up on. The game has thus...

Sanctions force World of Warcraft, Diablo III ban in Crimea

When gamers are caught in the crossfire of international politics, bad things can happen. Due to US sanctions against Russia, World of Warcraft and Diablo...

Not So Massively: Descent’s Kickstarter woes; Heroes of the Storm’s $450K tourney blunder

Descent: Underground has passed the 50% mark on its Kickstarter campaign and promised to add singleplayer to the title but has only four days...

Marvel Heroes adds AXIS raid

Gazillion says that Marvel Heroes was the first online action RPG to featuring raiding, and it's following that up with a new one called...

Diablo III previews upcoming Season 3 rewards

Diablo III players who want to take part in a brand-new season of play don't have much longer to wait. The third season starts...

Choose My Adventure: Torchlight, too

March is but a memory. April is here. And while a new month certainly brings new things to Choose My Adventure, we've got just...

Not So Massively: Dota 2 tickets sell out, Rust brings out the racists, and Grey Goo has population problems

Tickets for the Dota 2 world championship, The International, sold out in a record 10 minutes and are now being resold by scalpers for up to...

She-Hulk is judge, jury, and executioner in Marvel Heroes

I love superhero bios. They can just do whatever and it's all canon. Check out this one for She-Hulk, who transitions from being just a Marvel...
He-Man has the power

The Daily Grind: What’s the most game-breaking cash shop item you’ve ever seen?

I don't have a lot of experience with MMO cash shops. I've used a couple of them to spend Turbine points or Funcom funny...

The Stream Team: I am Groot, kind of

March's Choose My Adventure Sampler Platter Edition continues tonight with a little bit of Marvel Heroes 2015. Join Massively OP's Mike Foster as he...