
Official Site: Overwatch
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: May 24, 2016
Genre: Team-Based OFPS
Business Model: B2P
Platform: PC, Xbox One, PS4

He's pretty.

Overwatch 2 previews Season 4 with a roadmap and trailer

Whatever you're feeling about Overwatch 2's Season 4, hopefully you'll feel happier with the introduction of your new handsome Thai support husbando. Look at...
Yay, a thing we didn't want.

Overwatch teases Lifeweaver’s abilities ahead of his addition to the game on April 11

My therapist: "Prettier Healing Hanzo isn't real in Overwatch 2, he can't hurt you." Me: "No, you don't understand, he's going to be real on...

US Department of Justice and Activision-Blizzard reach a settlement over an esports salary lawsuit

It would apparently not be enough for Activision-Blizzard to treat its employees poorly; it also has been found to treat those who compete in...
Look, ma, no colors!

Vague Patch Notes: Can anyone really cover games objectively when there’s suffering built-in to them?

In July of 2021, we started a roundup tag in our tag cloud that most of us probably didn't expect to still be using...
Yeah, bye.

Overwatch 2’s director discusses balancing, collabs, rewards, and Season 4 competitive play updates

With six months of work on the team vs. team shooter Overwatch 2 now under his belt, director Aaron Keller is taking a moment...

Massively Overthinking: The times MMO developers admitted they were… wrong

Earlier in March, Jagex did the unthinkable for an MMORPG company: It admitted it was wrong about something. If you're used to the Blizzards...

The MOP Up: Guild Wars 2 reworks its Gyala Delve meta-event

Guild Wars 2 pushed out a patch last week that adjusted how the Gyala Delve meta-event functions and doles out rewards. Part of this...

Overwatch 2 launches a cosmetics-filled collab with One Punch Man anime

"Mom, I want to play Fortnite!" "Why is that, Bobby-Sue?" "Because it has all sorts of cool anime characters in it!" Mom holds up a new trailer...
Do you really want to hurt me?

WoW Factor: World of Warcraft is just coasting down the mountain

In November 1994, Marvel Comics launched a new comic book spin-off from the main X-Men series. Generation X, written by Scott Lobdell, was in...
And chill.

Overwatch 2 players question Season 3 balance, find an invincible statue, and beg for a Mei-killing homing grenade

Yes, we appreciate that headline is a melange of weird and disparate pieces of Overwatch 2 news, but some of these things are a...
Ogre, without layers

Design Mockument: In which we do not design World of Warcraft 2

Over the course of my professional writing career on this site and that site we used to run before AOL screwed us all over,...

PSA: Overwatch 2’s battlepass is confusing – make sure you understand what you’re buying

So here's an interesting tale of how a subtle change in an interface element can be deceptive, intentionally or otherwise. If you play Overwatch...

Overwatch 2 deploys Season 3 and considers arcade adjustments

The third season to Blizzard's popular Overwatch 2 deployed earlier this week with a number of hero balance changes and this weekend's Valentine's Day...

WoW Factor: Blizzard’s latest earnings report was mixed news for World of Warcraft

On one level, the most interesting thing that came out of the most recent earnings call for Activision-Blizzard was how much stuff the company...
That's silly. You're silly.

Overwatch 2 brings Season 3 on February 7th, complete with crossover collaborations

Welcome to Overwatch 2's season 3! What are you hoping to get out of it? If your answer to the question is "the PvE...

Activision-Blizzard Q4 2022: Blizzard revenues, MAUs spike thanks to WoW Dragonflight and Overwatch 2

Welcome back to our inevitable coverage of Activision-Blizzard's quarterly financials: Today's edition sums up Q4's results, comprising October, November, and December 2022. Let's break it...
Get dunked.

Overwatch 2’s director maps out the future without map pools and less map frequency

Hey there, Overwatch 2 player! Do you like map pools? No, you don't; basically no one did, and so they're being removed according to...

Overwatch 2 brings back Overwatch Credits for its third season

In last night's letter to the Overwatch 2 community, Blizzard took some time to evaluate how Season 2 of the team shooter went and...
It's all the money we don't have!

The Soapbox: Subscriptions might actually be the next big innovation in digital card games

What started earlier this week as a rant on how bad an idea a subscription model in Hearthstone would be evolved into something more:...

The MOP Up: Meet Starfall, a new indie Minecraft MMO

So many amazing projects have been birthed from Minecraft over the past decade-plus, including fully formed games. One of the newer of these is...