
Player-generated content

Global Chat: The death of EverQuest Next

There are some MMO industry events that, when they occur, spark a wildfire of blog posts across the community. This past week's announcement by...
Yes, this assuages my nervousness, you bet.

Working As Intended: The fate of the MMORPG genre

I don't think I'm exaggerating to say that this past weekend was a strange one in the MMORPG community, when gamers across the wide expanse...

The Stream Team: Letting the Landmark (and EverQuest Next) rage out

Just when MassivelyOP's MJ decided to postpone her Landmark stream to find a bunch of fun things to tour, Daybreak goes and does something...

Shards Online gets ready for a big hype push in April

Next month Shards Online will stir from its deep development slumber and lurch out into the sunlight, either to terrorize neighboring villages or to...

EverQuesting: Landmark’s big claim news

Holy moly, it happened! As you might surmise by the not-so-subtle surprise in my voice, we've finally got a chunk of Landmark news. It's...

Exclusive: Shards Online’s skill system dev diary

Indie sandbox Shards Online is barreling toward its 2016 launch, promising a creator's paradise for those willing to steer their very own servers. Today, Citadel...

Landmark is giving new players a slice of pioneer territory

Being flat and featureless isn't always a bad thing. For example, if you're looking to build amazing structures without a lot of hassle from...
It's not particularly cruel.

Massively Overthinking: The curse of player-generated MMO content

The influx of new player-generated-content-oriented MMOs might make you think that PGC is on the rise, but if you've been around the genre for...

Massively Overthinking: The new normal of early access MMORPGs

This week's topic comes from Massively OP reader Zadira. "Daybreak has just passed it two-year anniversary for Landmark, and it still has its early access reward options for...

The Daily Grind: What is your favorite memory from the EverQuest franchise?

It's interesting to note that the EverQuest video game franchise, as a whole, is quite large -- perhaps bigger than you realized. There's the...

Landmark is introducing the new build mode

Playing Landmark is all about building. It's also all about exploring and experiencing the things other people have built. It's multi-faceted. That's why the...

Shards Online delays alpha, early access; adds new stretch goal

Shards Online's latest newsletter has arrived, and in it, Project Lead Derek Brinkmann says the development team is hard at work on two features:...

Daybreak begins new Landmark building competition

As promised earlier this week, Daybreak is kicking off its latest Landmarks of Landmark competition tomorrow, inviting players to submit custom claims as, well,...

Landmark preps March update, demos claim time and camera controls

Daybreak's Emily "Domino" Taylor has posted an update on Landmark's status on the official forums. After announcing that a new Landmarks of Landmark competition...

Leaderboard: Massive servers vs. custom communities

One of the trends cropping up in the MMO industry in recent years is the Neverwinter Nights custom shard phenomenon. Games like Star Citizen,...
I did a thing, now give me my stat boost.

Testing for Landmark’s next update is currently underway

No, Daybreak hasn't abandoned Landmark: Producer Terry Michaels tweeted yesterday evening that the team has sent the next update to the QA server and is...
Let's try not being dead today.

Pilfering pants and PvP in Shards Online community roundtable and January tourney

It's all fun and games until you lose your pants! If you've been wondering what is up with Shards Online lately, the answer is...

EverQuesting: A 2016 franchise forecast for EverQuest Next, EverQuest, EverQuest II, and Landmark

We've looked back at 2015 for the launched games EverQuest and EverQuest II, the long-lasting beta of Landmark, and the MIA-and-presumed-dead (by some) ...
Be it ever so... whatever this is, there's no place like home. Thankfully.

Trove offers players the ability to unlock multiple cornerstones

In Trove, your Cornerstone is your home away from home. Also your home at home. It's your home, in other words. But just like...
If you know the difference between this and your head, you're in a good place.

Shards Online adds referral options and details player-run merchants

Have you wanted your friends to join you in Shards Online? You've got an extra tool for making that happen with the addition of...