player housing

The Survivalist: Hands-on with survival MMO Rend’s closed alpha

It's been nearly a year since I met with Frostkeep Studios at PAX West and got an early first-hand look at Rend, the three-faction...

Perfect Ten: The best expansions for specific MMOs

Looking over the past two decades or so, MMORPGs have grown by leaps and bounds with regular releases, events, and (of course) expansion packs....
Here we go again.

The Daily Grind: Rank the top three housing MMOs ever made

WildStar. RIFT. EverQuest II. If I had to choose three MMORPGs that contained the best housing systems and then rank them, that list up there...

Final Fantasy XIV plans major revisions to role actions and housing status in 4.4

The official translation for the most recent Final Fantasy XIV live letter is here, and it contains some pretty big changes for the game...

Thespian deer and bunny invasions come standard in Project Gorgon

The creators of Project Gorgon are a neverending fount of interesting ideas and unique systems -- so much so, in fact, that some days...
We hunted ourselves.

Fractured’s Kickstarter has just fully funded; stay tuned for this afternoon’s Q&A livestream

As Fractured counts down the final two days of its Kickstarter campaign, it looks as though the indie MMO has pulled it off: Just...
Oh, great.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV gets to hunt some monsters

It hardly needs to be said at this point that the new way of doing things with Final Fantasy XIV's live letters has proven...

Project Oasis World looks like GTAO with all the murder and mayhem stripped out

So here's a new one for us: It's a game called Project Oasis World, and that name seems apt because while it's technically an...

Elder Scrolls Online brings back the ‘Midyear Mayhem’ PvP event next week

ZeniMax is gearing up for a big PvP showdown in The Elder Scrolls Online next week with what it's dubbed the Midyear Mayhem PvP...
Ultima Online

Ultima Online plans rentable storage vaults for F2P players, plus new castle and keep designs

With the game's 100th patch in the rear-view mirror, Ultima Online's developers are already hard at work on the 101st patch due out in...

Fractured’s player city system is the evolution of Star Wars Galaxies

MMORPG sandbox Fractured has five days to secure another 16K to make its $116K Kickstarter goal - and it just broke the $100K barrier...
Yeah, systems are the problem.

Darkfall: Rise of Agon looks forward to big new systems like dynamic housing

The last patch for Darkfall: Rise of Agon had a whole gaggle of stuff in it. There's even a video walking through all of...

Global Chat: Looking back at World of Warcraft’s Legion

Now that the next World of Warcraft expansion is almost upon us, it's time to say farewell to Legion and all that that entails....

The Game Archaeologist: A history of EverQuest’s expansions

I don't know if EverQuest holds the crown title for the MMO with the most expansions, but I'm sure it's among the top three...

Interview and excerpt: The ‘Braving Britannia’ book preserves Ultima Online’s oral history

Earlier this week, we wrote about the launch of a new book that's right up MMORPG fans' alley. Dubbed Braving Britannia: Tales of Life,...
Look, chairs!

Identity’s town module — with player housing — is about ready to go live

While the idea of a mere "town square" taking up the total landscape for an upcoming MMO test might seem small, that's only the...

Perfect Ten: Best MMO debuts by year, 2007-2017

Continuing from my previous column that went back to 1997, I'm going to be running through the second decade of graphical MMORPG launches and...
No, this is not a boat.

SWTOR tests the new Rishi Hideout and Battle Ring arena

Is there a new hope for entertainment in a galaxy far, far away? At the end of this month on July 31st, Star Wars:...

One Shots: My name is Captain Vanity

As I'm off on vacation this week, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to cull through the previous One Shots comment...

The Daily Grind: What MMO is theoretically perfect but fails to click with you?

Let's talk about Final Fantasy XIV for a minute. This game really frustrates me because, on paper, it has so much of what I'm...