playstation 2

Eye see.

Final Fantasy XI asks players to come up with their own banquet for prizes

When you play Final Fantasy XI, does your mouth water at the thoughts of some of the food items you're chewing on for stat boosts?...
Like a boss.

Final Fantasy XIV is why Final Fantasy XI didn’t get a PlayStation 3 port

If you're wondering why you never got a version of Final Fantasy XI to play on the PlayStation 3 (back in the years when the...
Now fight for something!

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s lack of public testing is fine by me

When the Final Fantasy XIV media tour happens, it'll be the first opportunity anyone outside of Square-Enix has gotten to look at anything related...
Cor, sair.

Final Fantasy XI brings out more Voracious Resurgence with its latest version update

Remember back in 2016 when we all thought that Final Fantasy XI was going into maintenance mode and would have no more major storyline additions...
Eye see.

Final Fantasy XI announces its September update and continues its anniversary interviews

It's the start of September, and that means Final Fantasy XI fans know it's just about time for the game's next version update to arrive...

Final Fantasy XI interviews Yosuke Saito and prepares an equipment boosting campaign

The features on Final Fantasy XI's wide-ranging anniversary site We Are Vana'diel have continued to show up in bits and pieces, and the latest installment...

Final Fantasy XI offers players a shot at the Shadowlord’s swords

Is it fair that the Shadowlord in Final Fantasy XI gets to have cool swords you don't have immediate access to? No. It is...

Final Fantasy XI has kicked off its Return to Vana’diel and discount campaigns

Why not come back to Final Fantasy XI? The developers will be your friends! Well, maybe that's a bit far to go, but it's...
Ram moo

Final Fantasy XI deploys its August update with more story and Ramuh

It's time to fight Ramuh again in Final Fantasy XI! Sure, you might have already fought him to unlock him as a summon at...
Sorry for blur.

Final Fantasy XI prepares a Ramuh-filled update for August

The developers of Final Fantasy XI really hope you like everyone's best-known avatar of lightning, Ramuh, because he's going to be featured a lot...

Battle Bards Episode 198: Final Fantasy XI expansions

Return with us to the lands of Vana’diel, as the Battle Bards dip into the ocean of Final Fantasy XI expansion music. While Syl...
Sort of like jingles.

Final Fantasy XI brings back the Sunbreeze Festival once again

Considering the sheer number of world-shattering threats that your character has no doubt dealt with in Final Fantasy XI, it would make sense if...

Battle Bards Episode 197: A royal affair

Bow to your king and queens of MMO music royalty, for the Battle Bards have donned the crown, taking up the majestic scepter, and...

Final Fantasy XI adds a new high-end battlefield against a deific dragon

Feel like the fight against Shinryu in Final Fantasy XI is too easy these days with all of the new gear and improvements players...

Final Fantasy XI launches a new website for its upcoming 20-year anniversary

It's not long now before Final Fantasy XI manages to hit its 20th anniversary. Sure, it's going to be a little while longer, but...

Perfect Ten: Worst MMO expansion names of all time

Back when Daybreak announced that EverQuest's 19th expansion would be titled Rain of Fear, I instantly found myself tripping over the name. I shouldn't...

Final Fantasy XI adds a new high-tier battlefield with its next version update

Bad news for anyone hoping that the next update for Final Fantasy XI would continue the story arc of the ongoing Voracious Resurgence, as...
The yeller.

Perfect Ten: The types of players in every MMO

We have some fun here in Perfect Ten land dealing with lists. That's kind of the whole point. We've done columns about the races...
The stuff that you have, does someone have a claim on it?

Final Fantasy XI kicks off multiple reward campaigns for the middle of summer

In Final Fantasy XI this summer, it's time to get more for doing less. Well... sort of. Actually, when you look at all of...
These guys.

Final Fantasy XI brings back Celestial Nights starting on July 1

Good news, Final Fantasy XI players! Celestial Nights return once more on July 1st, and players can talk to one of the moogles in...