playstation 2

No, this isn't quite the right place.

Final Fantasy XI heads to Aht Urhgan for the next step of the Voracious Resurgencce

It's time for players in Final Fantasy XI to head back to the Near East with the upcoming June version update for the game. What's...
It's a tiny little sprout thing. It might kill you.

Final Fantasy XI ups equipment drops and brings back Sunshine Seeker

Dang, your gear in Final Fantasy XI leaves something to be desired. You should get some better gear. If only the game would run some...
It burns, burns, burns.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s last stretch of Bozja is pretty good, but a little annoying

For various reasons, it doesn't seen as if it's been only a week since the last Final Fantasy XIV patch. (All right, it's technically...

Battle Bards Episode 193: Tribal jams

Strike up a drum, flourish a flute, and howl to the moon — it’s time to get funky with some tribal jams! In this...
We still care.

Final Fantasy XI celebrates 19 years and promises new job progression and storage options

It's been 19 years since Final Fantasy XI first launched, and yet the game is still going strong with an update cadence the envy of...
It's a tiny little sprout thing. It might kill you.

Final Fantasy XI brings back Mandragora Mania for its 19th anniversary

After 19 years of operation, Final Fantasy XI no doubt finds anniversary celebrations just a little bit tedious. It's been 19 years! There's a ton...

Final Fantasy XI launches its May version update with more story and more Odyssey mechanics

Is it Bastok time in Final Fantasy XI? It certainly seems to be with the latest version update, because that's where the story of...
cat, i'm a kitty cat, and i dance dance dance and i dance dance dance

Final Fantasy XI launches a login campaign alongside a returner and discount campaign

Attention, would-be adventurers: Final Fantasy XI wants you. It wants you to log in. It's even taking a multi-pronged approach to this desire, in fact....
Space needed.

Final Fantasy XI kicks off multiple boost campaigns in May

If you still have leveling to take care of in Final Fantasy XI, you might want to hold off until May 11th. Not because you...
Hello, peoples.

Final Fantasy XIV and XI now support more authenticator software for one-time passwords

If you want to enable a one-time password for your Square-Enix account to access Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy XI, or both? That's a good...
For you it's all in a day.

The Feast of Swords returns to Final Fantasy XI

Despite its name, the Feast of Swords in Final Fantasy XI does not actually allow you to eat any swords. You will be given no...
Leaf it up.

The Daily Grind: What MMOs should be adapted to mobile?

Sometimes the success or failure of a game may come down to its availability on certain platforms and systems. Sometimes an MMO that didn't...
Sour faced.

Final Fantasy XI updates with the latest part of the Voracious Resurgence

It's time for an update of dour elves with the latest patch for Final Fantasy XI, bringing in the final part of the Voracious...

Final Fantasy XI plans a variety of bonus events throughout April along with the usual egg hunt

Final Fantasy XI is going to make you hunt eggs in April. This is familiar to any long-time player of the game, naturally. Starting...
Be the first on your block to GIVE ME MONEY

Final Fantasy XI gears up for a lighter patch in April

The bad news for Final Fantasy XI fans is that the next version update for the game in early April will be a little bit...
This is not a doll.

Final Fantasy XI rolls out new Voracious Resurgence content and a new Odyssey foe

The March version update has arrived for Final Fantasy XI, and that means players can face off against a new foe in Sheol: Gaol as...
Guess who's back. Back again.

Perfect Ten: Ten things that killed me in Final Fantasy XI

In many ways, Final Fantasy XI was a designed copy of EverQuest. It did, however, remove a lot of the elements of that game in particular....
We still care.

The Daily Grind: Do you miss free return events in MMORPGs?

Eliot was writing a piece about Final Fantasy XI's return home event a week or two ago and I suddenly had a pang of...

Final Fantasy XI announces more Voracious Resurgence and the pinnacle of Odyssey for March

Is March the cruelest month in Final Fantasy XI? You might not think so, but consider that players will be forced to contend with the...
Never seen a bluer sky.

Wisdom of Nym: The shirt-based speculation around Final Fantasy XIV’s next melee job

Bad news, folks: We're going to be waiting a while longer to find out the new melee job for Final Fantasy XIV, and waiting...