playstation 4

Let's put things back together.

Final Fantasy XIV shares some fifth anniversary infographics

After five years of operation there are lots of numbers to know about Final Fantasy XIV. Long-time players already know several numbers, like item...

The Stream Team: Checking out Warframe’s Chroma Prime

Are you interested in seeing what what Warframe's new Chroma Prime can do? Massively OP's MJ is, especially since she is so fond of...
ExPLOsions! Overpowerin'

Activision knows the power of cross-play, but it will need some time to implement it

Blizzard is very familiar with the advantages of cross-platform play, because Hearthstone exists and does quite well for it with exactly that. But there...
Dead in the water.

Vague Patch Notes: World of Warcraft, math, and making choices ‘interesting’ in MMOs

So if you somehow managed to miss it, let me recap: World of Warcraft's community manager Lore recently gave some feedback on the many complaints...

The Stream Team: Exploring Elder Scrolls Online’s Summerset

It's been hard for Massively OP's MJ to resist exploring Elder Scrolls Online's new lands, so she's finally broken down and nabbed a copy...
tappa tappa tappa

Warframe will be one of the first games testing mouse and keyboard support on Xbox One

There's a certain joyous weirdness in playing Warframe on an Xbox One and then doing so with a mouse and keyboard, also known as...
gotta keep 'em separated

The Elder Scrolls Online meets with class reps, rolls back Sorc changes as community maxes out Summerfall event

Good news for Sorcerer players in The Elder Scrolls Online. If you hated the thought of having a cast time on your shielding spells,...

Battle Bards Episode 129: Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind

In today’s episode, the Battle Bards crew row their dinghy to the island of Vvardenfell, where there is a rumor of the legend of the...

Elder Scrolls Online explores Argonian culture for Murkmire as the free house promo deadline approaches

You folks all geared up for a trek into the swamps of Tamriel? I hope so because Murkmire is coming for The Elder Scrolls...

Perfect Ten: The big book of MMORPG death mechanics

Video games will kill your characters. It's inevitable. I still faintly remember my younger brother's first video game death, when he ran full-tilt into...
Friend and entertainer to all.

Warframe introduces new Chroma Prime Warframe and new prime weapons

Developer Digital Extremes has announced the arrival of the powerful elemental frame Chroma Prime in its free-to-play space-ninja shooter Warframe. Chroma Prime, "known as...

Jukebox Heroes: DC Universe Online

This is my frustrated face when it comes to superhero MMO soundtracks. I don't know what it is, but it seems that none of...
A shameful spread of riches.

Wisdom of Nym: Examining Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 4.4, Prelude in Violet

I mentioned a few days ago that I follow the same somewhat ridiculous process every time there's a new Final Fantasy XIV patch. Every...

The Daily Grind: Are MMO monster character races doomed to forever minority status?

I almost fell for it again. The other night I was logging back into Elder Scrolls Online after a very long absence and decided to...

Massively Overthinking: Which MMORPG, living or dead, offers the all-time best crafting experience?

Over the last couple of weeks, when I was putting in sometimes 18-hour days working on the site, I didn't really have much time...
Check out my sick, uh... planetary surface.

Warframe brings back Operation: Plague Star through September 30th

Warframe is not a game in which you have space to debate moral niceties most of the time. There's an infected boil on the...

Interview: Bless Online on early access, pay-to-win, and its western refuge on Steam

Last night's bombshell that Bless Online is closing down its final Korean servers, leaving the game's Steam version in the west as the only...

PSA: No, Gina Bruno is not leaving Elder Scrolls Online or Bethsoft

Last night, Elder Scrolls Online Community Manager Gina Bruno's Twitter account began blurting out a series of awful tweets that usually means only one...
It's a boss, and it is deadly.

Final Fantasy XIV offers a UI guide and opens up its roleplaying server

It wasn't a feature of the game's most recent patch, but Final Fantasy XIV did something almost inconceivable yesterday: It opened up Balmung for...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 187: The raid in our stars

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2's new living world episode, Boundless, EverQuest II, Blizzard, Warframe, EVE Online, SWTOR, the petition to save WildStar, and our big site revamp.