Perfect Ten: Obnoxious MMO buzzwords found in press releases
So say that you write for MassivelyOP. Or say that you work for another news site while wistfully refreshing MassivelyOP's front page hoping to...
Fallen Earth unleashes its St. Patrick’s Day event on players
The St. Patrick's Day event in Fallen Earth is surprisingly sneaky on a whole. Yes, it's obviously meant as a chance for players to celebrate...
EG7 Q4 2021: EG7 and Daybreak post huge revenues, bank future on MTGO, LOTRO
Overnight, Swedish gaming company Enad Global 7 posted its Q4 2021 financial report, which of course is useful to MMORPG players as EG7 has...
The most important reveals from the Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons influencer sneak peak
Guild Wars 2 fans are so close to Cantha, they can practically smell the incense wafting out of Shing Jea Monastery. And yet there...
Fallen Earth Classic has formally returned to Steam
The wonderfully odd revival of Fallen Earth that started last fall took another step to show that it is here to stay. The post-apocalyptic...
Fallen Earth celebrates a gruesome little Valentine’s Day through February 26
It's been quiet for news about Fallen Earth following the title's unexpected free revival last October, aside from the frankly appalling suggestion of using NFTs...
Xsyon is not dead – in fact, devs are working on UI, maps, and the war system
We haven't poked our nose into post-apoc MMO Xsyon since the middle of last year, back when studio Notorious Games said the 2011 game...
Perfect Ten: Ten reasons your MMORPG creates a bad first impression
While MMOs may ask us to experience them for the long haul, first impressions still count. And if those impressions aren't favorable right out...
Trove’s Heckbugs in Love Valentine’s event has returned through February 22
Trove is once again joining in the Valentine's day MMO spirit, though it's a little bit on the sad side this year, seeing the...
Not So Massively: Hearthstone’s Lunar New Year, Apex Legend’s Defiance, LoL’s Renata
Welcome back to a quick roundup of news and events in the Not-So-Massively multiplayer realm!
Hearthstone - Lunar New Year begins in Blizzard's OTCG as...
Perfect Ten: Genuinely fun MMO minigames
Few people are without opinions on minigames in MMOs. Some love 'em, some hate 'em, and some just ignore 'em. Some even despise that...
Hellbugs and love hugs keep RIFT’s community busy
As the long-suffering RIFT community waits to see what may happen to their MMO, they have a couple of distractions to keep them busy...
Massively Overthinking: Do cross-IP collabs and promos in MMOs bother you?
Transmedia synergy. Let's just lead with that. We have a long tradition around here of teasing MMOs for jamming in these weird promotions with...
Global Chat: Moar MMO rogue servers, please!
In the MMO genre, we've been blessed with many great rogue server projects -- but there's always room for more, right? MMO Fallout's Connor...
Leaderboard: What’s the most vulnerable Daybreak MMO in 2022?
It's time for another annual tradition: examining Daybreak's prospects. We started back in 2015, when Sony cast off SOE and it was reshaped as...
End-of-Year Eleven: The biggest MMO stories of 2021
As the year that was 2021 comes to a close -- raise a glass, give a toast, and perhaps think of a few fond...
The Daily Grind: What was the most painful MMO sunset of 2021?
We saw multiple smaller MMORPGs close down in 2021, and in fact in the new year we'll be recapping all of them. But in...
The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v5.0
It has been another thrilling year of exploring the relatively unknown or forgotten lands of MMORPG history here in The Game Archaeologist. From projects...
Fallen Earth contemplates using NFTs to fund development
The winner of Massively OP's Biggest MMO Surprise of 2021 has another potential shocker up its sleeve -- and this time it's none too...
End-of-Year Eleven: The biggest MMO surprises of 2021
Why do I love covering MMORPG news year in and year out? If I'm honest about it, I'm usually in this for the surprises....