
Burn it down, baby.

Wisdom of Nym: Preparing for Final Fantasy XIV’s early access

The long wait is almost over. Heavensward early access starts up on June 19th, and it comes with a lot of changes. Starting with,...
West Virginia is alike all over.

Blade & Soul offers an overview of the world at large

There's a great big world out there in Blade & Soul, but if you were hoping it would be a calm and welcoming place...
Oh, good, spiders and mushrooms.

E3 2015: The Elder Scrolls’ TCG; ESO’s Orsinium, Imperial City

The downside of E3 pre-conferences coming earlier and earlier is that the event just gets longer and longer, but the upside is that you...

Star Citizen’s Vanduul Scythe will soon be flyable

Remember the very first Star Citizen trailer from 2012? I'm sure you do because it was completely badass, even though way back then it...
Take a walk on the already-done-this side.

World of Warcraft demos its first timewalking dungeon, The Arcatraz

The next patch for World of Warcraft is sending players back in time, just a little bit. With an expansion based on nostalgia, that...

MMO Burnout: Sailing the seas of Windward

Windward is an oddly endearing little duck that escaped my wandering game eye prior to the moment developer Tasharen Entertainment dangled an early access key...
Good work, great idea.

Overwatch shows off the heights of Pharah’s abilities

Overwatch's Pharah is a pretty straightforward character in terms of play philosophy. She has a rocket launcher, jump jets, and a wrist rocket to...
The large old German man is not the villain. Groundbreaking!

Check out Overwatch’s Reinhardt gameplay video

If Overwatch were a tabletop RPG, Reinhardt is the guy who didn't bother listening to the setting information and just made a knight with...
Yes, it's really weird to talk about Warlords in the context of a success, for me as much as you.

Everything you need to know about being on a boat in World of Warcraft’s next patch

The next major patch for World of Warcraft is pitting players against what remains of the Iron Horde in the Tanaan Jungle, but unfortunately...
Startlingly lacking in curiosity.

World of Warcraft previews the bosses of Hellfire Citadel

It's been said that World of Warcraft's patch 6.2 will not be the end of the expansion's patch cycle, but boy, it sure does...

Overwatch shows off the turret-building gameplay of Torbjörn

Torbjörn, aside from having a name that's very satisfying to type when you're familiar with Unicode inputs, is a simple kind of guy. He...
I was hoping to punch things.

Skyforge previews the Kinetic class

The Kinetic is a class all about understanding the gravity of the situation. More specifically, it's about manipulating and utilizing gravity to fling boulders...

Istaria commits to shoring up the game in 2015

Not every MMO patch has to be a field of explorable content through which adventurers romp barefoot and fancy-free. Sometimes the unglamorous work of...

Star Trek Online highlights summer events, addresses klesbiangate

Summer comes yet again, and while the distinction is kind of arbitrary in deep space, for those of us pretending to be in deep...
Barfalo Wild Wings.

World of Warcraft’s Ashran expands to a new area in patch 6.2

If you've been taking part in the battles over Ashran in World of Warcraft, it's understandable that you could be a little tired of...
Brown town.

Das Tal plans Kickstarter-exclusive preview, discusses server architecture

Are you seriously interested in server architecture? Can you not wait to find out how Das Tal is handling its backend for logging in?...

Age of Conan is getting a new raid, Palace of Cetriss

Age of Conan fans will soon have a new raid in Dragon's Spine to dive into. Palace of Cetriss, which will have both a...
You wanted bunny girls. Happy to not oblige.

Bluehole Studio artist posts Project EXA renders

What is Project EXA? We don't know at this point; all we know is that it's something Bluehole Studio has been working on since 2014...

There are six minutes of Overwatch shooting action in the Tracer preview video

You've already seen gameplay footage for four of Overwatch's fighters (Zenyatta, Mercy, McCree, and Hanzo) from Blizzard's upcoming team-based shooter. Now witness Tracer in...
Someone take the helm.

Beta testing starts for Elite: Dangerous’ Powerplay update

The next major update for Elite: Dangerous is going to really shake up how the game is played. The Powerplay update previewed a month...