
PvE stands for player-vs.-environment, where environment is generally taken to mean the world, NPCs, and AI.

Eternal Crusade wages war on bugs

Eternal Crusade might be officially out of the door, but the game still has a lot of work left to be done. One might...

Happy fourth birthday, War Thunder

Is every game having a birthday this week? MMO-lite War Thunder is crashing the cake-eating festivities with its own birthday party, and it's starting...

Happy third birthday, Warface

Crytek F2P online shooter Warface is busy celebrating its third birthday with a super twitchy trailer and a round of new content for players. "In...

World of Tanks and Warships get into the swing of Halloween

Beware what you name your ships because irony loves to strike when namers are careless. Take for instance World of Warships' Transylvania. This poor...

TERA: Patrick ‘Treeshark’ Sun departs, Halloween arrives

Seattle claims another MMO dev: TERA Producer Patrick "Treeshark" Sun told players that he's leaving En Masse tomorrow. "In my stead, Matt 'Denommenator' Denomme will...

Hyperspace Beacon: Outside-the-box Star Wars The Old Republic gameplay

For some reason, this time of year always seems to be a down time in the activity of large-scale MMORPG development. Although Star Wars:...
Good children.

Riders of Icarus introduces new dungeon challenges that are downright legendary

Do the challenges of Riders of Icarus dungeons no longer delight you? Do you enter a dungeon and immediately start saying, "Dad, this is...

The Stream Team: Chronicle: RuneScape Legends PvE campaign mode and giveaway

Are you hesitant to try out a CCG because you worry about PvP as a noob against veteran players? Besides the practice mode, Chronicle: RuneScape...
All she really wants is pants; is that so wrong?

WildStar’s Redmoon Mutiny arrives November 16th

So you've finished off the first part of the Redmoon Terror raid in WildStar and dealt with Mordechai Redmoon. That's all good news. The...

World of Warcraft releases Patch 7.1: Return to Karazhan today

O frabjous day, Patch 7.1: Return to Karazhan has arrived in World of Warcraft! The content update marks World of Warcraft's first patch in...

Space Legend soft launches on Apple mobile devices

Here's a surprise entry into the mobile MMO market: Space Legend. Not to be confused with Spacetime's Star Legends, this title is being made by...
But now, it's more money.

Lord of the Rings Online interview grapples with premium housing and evictions

In an additional pair of interview segments, LOTRO Community Manager Cordovan tackles several topics of interest from the community, including personal loot systems, crafting...

Guild Chat: Trying out for a hardcore MMORPG guild

Welcome along to another advice-filled edition of Guild Chat, the column dedicated to helping readers solve their guild-related dilemmas with both my help and...

Eternal Crusade on why it’s rolling out ‘intermediate patches’

Eternal Crusade Senior Producer Nathan Richardsson has updated Steam players on what's on the way for the newly launched Warhammer MMO. Next week's patch isn't...

Prepare yourself for World of Warcraft Patch 7.1 with this survival guide

We are only a few short days away from World of Warcraft's 7.1 update, Return to Karazhan. Legion's first post-release content patch will bring...

RIFT: Starfall Prophecy aims for a November 16 launch

Now that Starfall Prophecy's open beta is underway, Trion Worlds seems comfortable with setting a launch date for RIFT's third expansion. The studio revealed...
Also, this stuff.

World of Warcraft throws even more Suramar content at you in 7.1

Just when you think you might see the light at the end of Suramar's long, long content tunnel, a team of Blizzard corps of...
Let me actually just get stronger.

World of Warcraft beefs up PvP rewards with Patch 7.1

World of Warcraft's PvP game is getting a helping hand come next week's Patch 7.1. The devs said that they are trying to encourage...

Hyperspace Beacon: Examining SWTOR’s contentious 5.0 endgame gear grind

If you didn't watch the Star Wars: The Old Republic livestream on Monday, then you missed Creative Director Charles Boyd, Producer Ben Irving, and...

Age of Conan unleashes its Slithering Chaos update

If you haven't realized it yet, today is National MMORPG Patch Day, which is presumably celebrated with a tall glass of update notes and...