
PvP stands for player-vs.-player. PvP can take the form of virtual combat, economic trade, political machinations, or other competition.

The Stream Team: Scouting after surviving another H1Z1 wipe

After surviving another H1Z1 wipe, MassivelyOP's MJ has nothing left to lose -- and she plans to take full advantage of the situation! Since...

The Stream Team: Gotta steal them all in GTA Online

It's no secret that appropriating cars is a major component of GTA Online; besides giving you a set of wheels for those moments when...

BioWare posts update on SWTOR’s Season 5 win-trading

BioWare community manager Eric Musco posted a brief update on the Star Wars: The Old Republic forums yesterday concerning trolling and win-trading in Season...

League of Legends tests automated punishments for bad player behavior

Getting on top of bad player behavior in League of Legends may be an impossible job -- for mere people, that is. But what...
GTA Online

Ultraviolence, virtual worlds, and why I hate myself for loving GTA Online

OK, maybe that title is overly dramatic. Still, I feel guilty for liking Grand Theft Auto Online. I've touched on this before, as have...
No, you don't have to feud with monsters.

Pathfinder Online expands holding and adds company feuds

If there's another group of players in Pathfinder Online and you hate their stupid faces, the most recent patch to the game's Early Enrollment...
Back in the 90s, I was in a very famous TV show.

Crowfall takes a deeper look at the Centaur

The Centaur in Crowfall is more than just a normal person whose lower body happens to be a horse. If you want to be...
Gloria Victis

Gloria Victis adds SpeedTree 5, a first person view, and more

Gloria Victis has published its version 0.2 pre-alpha changelog. The dev team says that this build is the first public version of the fantasy...

Age of Wushu opens The Warrior’s Journey expansion

Feeling the urge to travel vast, untamed lands? Then it might be up to Age of Wushu to fill that need. The martial arts...

Lineage II starts work on an EU classic server

After NCsoft solicited the Lineage II playerbase last month about whether or not it wanted a classic server in Europe, the community has answered...
Let's make it prettier again.

EVE Online sheds some light on… texture lighting

Players spend a lot of time staring at the hulls of their EVE Online ships, so it makes sense to make those ships as...
Like the Something Awful forums, only probably slightly less cynical? Perhaps.

Crowfall locks down forums for backers only

If you still want to take part in discussions on the official Crowfall forums, you'll have to back the game. The game has locked...

Dark Age of Camelot throws Memorial Day bonus weekend

Dark Age of Camelot fans might want to adjust their plans for the upcoming holiday weekend in the US, as Broadsword is turning on...

Eternal Crusade lays out its plan for open world conflict

Just because Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade will be primarily a PvP title doesn't mean that it's going to section itself off in tiny little...
Call the WAAAAAMbulance.

John Smedley talks smack to nearly 25,000 banned H1Z1 players

Do you like people who cheat in online games? Daybreak president John Smedley does not. After 24,837 H1Z1 accounts were banned for cheating (7,000...

Global Chat: What do you remember about Guild Wars?

Late last month, the classic Guild Wars transcended its 10th birthday and prompted a flood of nostalgic posts and shared stories. A few MMO...
World of Warplanes

Wargaming releases guide to World of Warplanes’ war cache

Wargaming has published a dev blog on World of Warplanes' new war caches, which are basically an opportunity for players to finish challenging missions...

Heroes of the Storm goes into open beta, prepares for launch

With two weeks left until the launch of Heroes of the Storm, anticipation is growing over Blizzard's entry into the MOBA field. Well, now...

Das Tal devs talk about inspiration, weapons, armor, and meaningful conflict

Das Tal is forging ahead with its Kickstarter campaign, netting over $19,000 out of its $55,794 goal with 21 days left. The team is...

Tamriel Infinium: What we know about Elder Scrolls Online’s Imperial City

Even before the PC launch of the Elder Scrolls Online last year, there was something the community pined for: the Imperial City. In my first trip...