
See: Perfect World Entertainment

One Shots: My other car is a ravenous dragon

Sure, in your normal, mundane life you drive a Prius hatchback, but in your virtual existence, you enjoy a ride that's a bit more...
Why is this someone's crappy destination wedding.

Mobile MMO Roundup: Perfect World Mobile, Spiritwish, and Alliance vs Empire

If you're waiting urgently with your phone waiting for some new mobile MMOs to play around with, you've got some options today. Perfect World...

Massively Overthinking: Problematic faves in MMOs

A while back, a reader suggested that it was impossible for a fan who loves something to recognize its shortcomings, and I was taken...

Meta: Join us for Massively OP’s first Mo Mania stream-athon on Friday, August 23!

Mo Mania? You might be wondering just what exactly that odd entry on the OPTV stream calendar for tomorrow is. That's what we're here...
It's official, I can't tell the difference between this and TERA now.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 234: ArcheAge’s game changer

Justin and Bree discuss ArcheAge Unchained, WoW Classic, No Man's Sky, DDO, Neverwinter, and Elder Scrolls Online, with mailbag topics on the future of MMOs and the silent majority MMO playerbase.

Torchlight Frontiers’ latest alpha update adds new optional difficulty settings

Don't you forget about Torchlight Frontiers: PWE and Echtra Games are still zooming along in alpha, and today the studios have dropped the game's...

PWE’s co-op shooter Remnant From the Ashes has officially launched

My guild chat channel is buzzing this morning over a game at least one friend likened to Hellgate, but in a good way: I'm...

Neverwinter, Champions Online, and Star Trek Online end XMPP chat client support

In an effort to reportedly take on the ever-encroaching menace that is gold selling spammers, outside chat client support powered by XMPP will be...

Flameseeker Chronicles: What would a mobile Guild Wars 2 look like?

Ever wished Tyria could fit in your pocket? That dream could one day become a reality. A couple of weeks ago, we heard rumblings...

Hands-on: Neverwinter post-Uprising is a mixed bag for newbies and vets

A long time ago, for a few months after it launched, I was an avid Neverwinter player. I loved its visceral combat, and to...

The Game Archaeologist: Dungeons & Dragons

Part of the holy mission of the Game Archaeologist is to ferret out the roots of history that ultimately led to MMORPGs as we...

The Stream Team: Joining Neverwinter’s Uprising

Have you been to an Uprising lately? Neverwinter's update by that name has launched, and it includes revamping newbie play. Massively OP's MJ is...

Champions Online lets out a death rattle – but it’s the good kind

It certainly has been a fascinating summer for Champions Online, as the superhero MMORPG emerged from a long-running hibernation to pump out a full-fledged...
Everyone hates options.

Perfect World Mobile reveals its lineup of launch races and their associated classes

Did you forget about Perfect World Mobile? Because it's still coming for us, and the mobile version has just revealed its lineup of races...
Pay to lose.

Perfect Ten: Creating the worst MMO ever

Here at Massively Overpowered, we learn about some games, folks. We learn a whole lot about a whole lot of games! We know MMOs....

Neverwinter’s Uprising module officially launches today for PC

Neverwinter's next big thing has arrived in the form of its new module, Uprising, which has officially launched for PC as of today (consolers...

The MOP Up: FFXIV hits play on Shadowbringers’ soundtrack

Have your ears been slathered with the luxurious music of Final Fantasy XIV's Shadowbringers this summer? Then good news for you, as Square Enix...

One Shots: The secret life of NPCs

What goes on with NPCs when you're not looking? Egocentric adventurers think that they're sitting around, sharpening blades, and preparing their spellbooks for encounters,...
Oh noes.

Star Trek Online players play with numbers to crack lockbox drop rates

While plenty of online games with lockboxes already have transparent lockboxes and far more are due to get them over the next year thanks...

Star Trek Online’s nerf to Advanced Beam Arrays causes a community uproar

All right, so this one is going to take some explanation. The latest update to Star Trek Online has arrived along with the patch...