
MUD network and roleplaying repository Skotos celebrates 20th anniversary with retirement

While many old-school MMORPG players came from MUDs, I didn't: I didn't even know they existed until several years into playing Ultima Online and...

Riot Games-backed afrofantasy MMO The Wagadu Chronicles just went live on Kickstarter

MMO developer Alexander Zacherl kindly put this game on our radar today, and it couldn't be more timely, given that this summer's swelling of...

Storyboard: Making fights matter in MMOs (and in roleplay)

You know what's fascinating about the original Guild Wars release, later redubbed as Guild Wars: Prophecies? The Prince Rurik fight works. Yes, these are spoilers for a...

EverQuesting: Building a story brought me back to EverQuest II

Before we start: Yes, I know about the Daybreak news. And yes, I have some thoughts and questions about it. I considered tossing aside...
Plole ray.

Storyboard: The future of MMO roleplaying in the new decade

Here we are in a brand-new decade! (If you feel the urge to pedantically correct this, you are wrong, it's a new decade, hush...

Book of Travels talks roleplaying, meaning, and being an ‘oasis’ in a world of frenetic Steam games

A glossy spread in Killscreen may not be what anyone was expecting out of Might and Delight, the Swedish studio whose adorable little indie...

‘Unique social roleplaying experience’ Book of Travels begins Kickstarter

If you've often promised that you would support online RPGs that broke from tropish traditions and took risks, well, it's time to put your...

Massively Overthinking: The one about MMO roleplay servers

An MOP reader named Thierry recently pointed us to a brewing storm in the World of Warcraft Classic community: In a nutshell, the server...

Fallout 76 players have put a fellow player on trial for raiding

A dangerous raider has been captured after an assault on a raiding facility, which raises the question of what should be done with him....
Oh, this... keeps my feelings where they were before, really.

Global Chat: MMO roleplaying explained for the rest of us

Game designer Brian Green has been on a writing streak as of late with a whole series of blog posts about roleplaying in MMORPGs....
Level out.

Storyboard: Never forget that all MMO lore is made up

Let's take a trip back to the dewy slopes of June 2006, when Chris Metzen addressed the question of how the lore of the...
And here, we see yet another thing thrown away for no damn reason.

Storyboard: Exploring religion in MMOs

One of the things I wanted to do in bringing back Storyboard was to expand a little bit beyond just roleplaying to the stuff...
Just play along.

Storyboard: Stop whining and accept your MMO plotline

I'm going to let you in on a very big and also very obnoxious secret. All right? No one is going to like hearing...
We know what we know.

Storyboard: On the art of verisimilitude in MMO roleplaying

Those of you who remember this column from Massively-that-was are invited to take a shot, as was the running joke. Because it turned out...

Storyboard: Can you diverge from lore in MMORPG roleplaying?

All right, this is new for me because most of my titles do not contain dirty lies right in the question used to kick...
tappa tappa tappa

Storyboard: What makes an MMORPG a good home for roleplaying?

Guess who's back. I gave Star Wars: The Old Republic a lot of grief over the course of 2018 for the fact that its server merges...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR, a roleplay community divided

Much praise and hatred have been tossed at Star Wars: The Old Republic for its decision to focus more heavily on the single-player aspects...

Roleplay-centric Project Oasis World fails to fund

It has certainly been a rough summer for Kickstarter MMORPGs. On the heel of a pair of failed projects from last week comes the...
Oh, you wanted to use these things. Huh.

Today in why we can’t have nice things: How a No Man’s Sky griefer exploits design flaws to screw with communities

A No Man's Sky griefer purporting to roleplay an evil emperor, monologuing and all, decided to up his griefer game by taking it out of game and...

TERA Claw & Order exclusive: A suspect admits to attempted kidnapping and extortion, but not murder

Attention all sleuths and gumshoes! A mystery tipster shoved this dossier under our door last night. It appears to be a transcript of a...