Today in why we can’t have nice things: How a No Man’s Sky griefer exploits design flaws to screw with communities
A No Man's Sky griefer purporting to roleplay an evil emperor, monologuing and all, decided to up his griefer game by taking it out of game and...
TERA Claw & Order exclusive: A suspect admits to attempted kidnapping and extortion, but not murder
Attention all sleuths and gumshoes! A mystery tipster shoved this dossier under our door last night. It appears to be a transcript of a...
World of Warcraft hosts a massive roleplaying event to celebrate the defeat of the Legion
If you think about World of Warcraft's Moon Guard server, you probably make some jokes about ERP in Goldshire and move on with your...
The Daily Grind: How important is roleplaying to MMORPGs?
It's not exactly a secret that one of my first loves in any MMORPG is roleplaying. The whole reason I have multiple alts in...
The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMO to roleplay in as of 2018?
Half an eternity ago, my merry band of MMO PvPers and raiders ran headlong into a gang of roleplayers, and it changed my guild...
Elite: Dangerous player is reaching out to speak with the game’s inscrutable aliens
Remember that Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where the crew spent the entire episode tracking down and struggling to communicate with a destructive...
World of Warcraft saves an in-game tournament by disabling phasing
Players on Moon Guard have long hosted a week-long tournament event for all World of Warcraft roleplayers called the Tournament of Ages. It's filled...
Leaderboard: Where do you draw the line between griefing and roleplaying?
On the Morrowind subreddit a few days ago, a player was recounting a particular roleplay-slash-griefing episode on a hardcore-roleplay Ultima Online emulator. The player...
Hyperspace Beacon: Outside-the-box Star Wars The Old Republic gameplay
For some reason, this time of year always seems to be a down time in the activity of large-scale MMORPG development. Although Star Wars:...
World of Warcraft weathers roleplay and silencing controversies
All is not well following World of Warcraft's recent pre-expansion patch earlier this week. Two controversies are rocking the game resulting from the update...
Desert Nomad: Immersion, atmosphere, and roleplaying in Black Desert
Hello friends, and welcome back to Desert Nomad, your more or less biweekly source of ramblings that are almost guaranteed to be at least...
Hyperspace Beacon: Truly immersing yourself in Star Wars: The Old Republic
I have long been a proponent of roleplaying in MMOs. I’ve often been the roleplayer’s spokesperson on different podcasts and new media broadcasts. I’ve...
Hyperspace Beacon: The importance of pacing in a SWTOR roleplay event
Last time I talked about roleplaying in spite of game mechanics, I didn’t really get a whole lot of comments. I don’t know whether...
Guild Chat: Fitting a character to a new roleplaying guild
Welcome along to another issue of Guild Chat, my cozy wee corner of Massively OP in which we get together to help readers in...
Black Desert gets a Tamer, darker nights, and lanterns with oil
Daum posted a project manager diary on the Black Desert forum yesterday announcing that the Tamer class will not only be playable at launch but be available in...
Hyperspace Beacon: The confused state of the galaxy in Star Wars: The Old Republic
I don’t write a lot about the Star Wars: The Old Republic roleplay community because I don’t usually like it to be known who...
The Daily Grind: What keeps you from roleplaying?
I really, really enjoy roleplaying. It's one of the biggest ways that I enjoy a game. I like coming up with elaborate character backstories...
LOTRO players host RP and music event this Saturday
If you don't have plans this Saturday, consider swinging over to Lord of the Rings Online, where a group of players will be holding...
Shroud of the Avatar pushes out Release 20 with 113 player-run towns
Are you playing Shroud of the Avatar's latest release right now? Obviously not, you're reading this article, but you could be playing it right...
Working As Intended: Sex, love, and MMOs
In the ongoing, neverending sandbox-vs.-themepark MMO debate, the folks on the side of sandboxes want one thing: more. Actually they want a lot more. They want...