Rumor: 2K shuts down the studio making Borderlands Online
Borderlands Online isn't looking so hot, according to a report filed today by MMO Culture. The blurb says that 2K Games has blown up...
Marvel Heroes studio Gazillion hit with layoffs [Confirmed]
It's sad news for fans of Marvel Heroes and Super Hero Squad Online as at least one of the teams behind Gazillion's successful titles appears to...
Hi-Rez Studios CEO teases something coming for Tribes: Ascend
Tribes: Ascend has been in maintenance mode for a while now. It was never the moneymaker that SMITE proved to be, and while it...
WildStar dev hints at adding path options
Yesterday the WildStar team hosted a Reddit AMA about the new Cosmic Rewards system, and during that conversation one player asked about being able to...
More layoffs for ZeniMax (Update: Confirmed)
The end of this post has been updated with confirmation from Bethsoft as of August 20th.
Comments by a gaming industry recruiter and tech consultant have sparked...
World of Warcraft’s Bashiok has defected to NCsoft [Updated]
Former World of Warcraft Community Manager Micah "Bashiok" Whipple announced he was leaving Blizzard last week to take up a new job this week, leading...
Guild Wars 2 datamining uncovers Engineer drones
It's been a little while since Guild Wars 2 revealed another of the elite specializations coming to the game with Heart of Thorns, and...
Rumor: SWTOR E3 information leaked on official website
BioWare accidentally revealed its Star Wars: The Old Republic announcement for E3 this weekend, and -- spoiler alert -- this could be a game...
Leaks indicate Destiny’s next expansion will launch September 15th
You can never be sure if a leak is on the level or if it's just a bunch of speculation. But you can make...
Hearthstone teases a new mode via Twitter
When you first fire up Hearthstone, the little title screen offers you three options. That hasn't changed and no one has really expected otherwise;...
Bungie files new trademarks for possible Destiny expansions
What is Eververse Trading Co.? Well, it's the name of a trademark recently filed by Bungie. It also might be related to Destiny. What's...
Rumor: Mounts are coming to The Secret World!
It appears as if mounts are coming to The Secret World. Massively OP reader Nordavind sent us this screencap of a Funcom Twitch stream that...
Rumor: Blade & Soul might be in internal testing for US release
Hey, you all remember the guy causing a whole kerfluffle about the fact that WildStar is supposedly going free-to-play? Good times! But the Redditor...
Rumor: WildStar coming to Steam as a free-to-play title in August [Updated]
WildStar is coming to Steam, according to third-party scraper site When and for how much is less clear, given that Carbine and NCsoft...
EVE Evolved: How many subscriptions does EVE have?
Two weeks ago, a mathemagician over at The Nosy Gamer published some interesting calculations showing that EVE Online's subscriptions may have dropped by around...
WildStar is now on clearance at Best Buy
So... you all remember how yesterday saw WildStar boxes being yanked in Australia, combined with that promotion encouraging players to buy more boxes of...
Rumor: WildStar box recall and promo might herald free-to-play
The last time the retailer yanked boxes of a game from the shelves and returned them to the distributors, it was The Elder Scrolls...
Perfect World suffers more layoffs, this time in the EU
Massively OP has been contacted by a former Perfect World employee — who wishes to remain anonymous and whose identity we have confirmed — about...
Datamining suggests The Division’s alpha test is en route
Dataminers on Reddit have unearthed publicly accessible but undisplayed code on The Division's website that suggests alpha is on the way.
There's no official announcement, but...
An ‘Elite: Deadly’ trademark has been registered
Are you enjoying flying through space in Elite: Dangerous but not how the game's news cycle has quieted down? Let's change that. A trademark has...