
RvR stands for “realm vs. realm,” usually a reference to faction-based player-vs.-player warfare, and frequently (though not always) in the context of more than two realms.

LOTRO Legendarium: Nine years in Middle-earth

There are always those gut-check moments in your life when you realize just how much time has passed. For instance, I'm going to look...

Fight for your side in Marvel Heroes’ Civil War tournament

Marvel Heroes' "most unique tournament to date" has started up, offering teams of players the chance to prove which one is one the right...

First impressions: Overwatch offers nothing new (yet), but I’m buying it anyway

I'm going to be blunt: I don't feel like a Blizzard fan. I know that may sound odd from the guy who plays Hearthstone more than any other writer on...
To return where others have gone before, but not like this.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 64: To boldly return

Justin and Bree discuss Star Trek Online, Chronicles of Elyria, Marvel Heroes, WildStar, TERA, and LOTRO, plus a mailbag question on metacritic for MMOs.

The Stream Team: Choosing sides in Marvel Heroes’ Civil War event

There's civil war in the Marvel universe, and that means folks are choosing sides even in Marvel Heroes. So who does MassivelyOP's MJ root...
These fields may not be forever.

Shroud of the Avatar raised another $67K in last week’s telethon

Did you tune in during the last Shroud of the Avatar telethon? If not, you missed singing, dancing, and the live footage of a...

Paragon’s GRIM.exe hero is no gentle giant

Epic's MOBA Paragon has revealed one more hero ahead of its early access launch this week: the robot GRIM.exe. The video begins as a...

Trinium Wars drops new Puton update and price

What SPF sunblock works best in irradiated lands? The early access sci-fi MMO Trinium Wars just opened up a harsh, barren land of scorching...

Marvel Heroes’ Captain America: Civil War promo is live (so get your free hero)

It's time to get your free Iron Man or Captain America in Marvel Heroes! As part of its massive Captain America: Civil War promotion, Gazillion has...

Perfect Ten: The final minutes of beloved MMORPGs

"This is how the world ends," T S Eliot wrote in his famous poem, "not with a bang, but with a whimper." That might well...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Weighing in on the Guild Wars 2 WvW poll

The first WvW poll is about to close and the votes have been flying in during the last few days, driving home that Guild Wars...

Civil War breaks out in Marvel Heroes

When the war breaks out, whose side will you be on? With Captain America: Civil War hitting theaters this month, Marvel Heroes will be right there...

Camelot Unchained’s monthly newsletter covers the beta delay and end of crunch

Camelot Unchained's monthly newsletter has dropped, and believe it or not it's on the briefer end of newsletters for CSE with "only" 8000-odd words. CSE...

EVE Evolved: Fixing EVE’s New Player Experience (again)

It's become almost a running joke in the comments of articles that EVE Online is a great game to read about but not nearly...

The MOP Up: Allods’ Gibberling Festival (May 1, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

The Daily Grind: How would canceled MMOs be doing right now if they were still operating?

Many of us have our private (or not-so-private) sorrows regarding shuttered MMORPGs. Yes, we wish that they were still alive and often opine that...
Work it over.

Massively Overthinking: Trinities and quaternities in MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic was inspired from Jake, who wrote in to us wondering about roles in MMORPG classes and group content: "What happened to roles?...

Crowfall previews vehicle crafting and the war machines of Siege Perilous

ArtCraft Design Lead Thomas Blair is back on the Crowfall blog this afternoon with a fresh update on the Siege Perilous testing, including word...
I'm sorry this is the only long-form article you're likely to get, Twin Saga.

Aeria Games announces anime-styled Twin Saga for later this year

There is not exactly a dearth of games boasting an anime style in the MMORPG market at the moment. Even if that's not enough...

EVE Fanfest 2016: CCP Falcon on Fanfest, the EVE community, and harassment

Over its almost 13 years of operation, sci-ci MMO EVE Online has gained a largely undeserved reputation for antisocial behaviour. EVE is built on...