Stardew Valley passes 41 million units sold across all platforms – and it’s not done yet
It turns out that Stardew Valley has spent the past several years seeing little slowdown to its momentum: Nine years after its release and...
MMORPG and multiplayer seasonal sales on Steam and beyond, winter 2023 edition
It's that time of year again: the time when we trek over to Steam with our wallets open to see what kind of damage...
Final Fantasy XI turns on bonus campaigns and welcomes players back starting on Friday
Final Fantasy XI wants you to come back to hang out. No, really, it's even putting on its summer best and everything. The game...
The Daily Grind: Are you going to indulge in some sales action for MMOs this year?
It's the season... the season of discounts. Yes, it's just about time for everything to go on discounts on various online storefronts, and while...
Black Friday sales around the MMO world, 2021 edition
Even if you're not a Thanksgiving person or even a "harvest festival" type of soul, you can take advantage of the sales and events...
Blizzard offers a plethora of game discounts with its holiday sale this year
We don't really like advertising sales consistently here on Massively Overpowered because we already have actual advertising on the site and that costs money....
The best MMO sales and events of Thanksgiving and Black Friday 2020
Thanksgiving and Black Friday are pretty different in 2020 than in past years, but the online gaming sales and events? They're eternal. Join us...
Ashes of Creation plans for more testers and resuming cosmetic sales
The latest Ashes of Creation dispatch from creative director Steven Sharif will no doubt put the minds of fans at ease. Sharif states within...
The MMOs of the 2020 Steam Summer Sale
After the winter and spring we just had, the last place I want to "get away" to is "my gaming PC", but unfortunately for...
Chronicles of Elyria postpones its unsold land sales with a date still to be determined
As you may recall, Chronicles of Elyria touted that it was running a big event recently with its "Settlers of Elyria" event, which came...
The best MMO sales of Black Friday 2019 (so far)
True story, Thanksgiving is not at all my favorite holiday, but I absolutely love the online sales that follow it, especially when I don't...
Ashes of Creation is rotating in a new set of cosmetic items for pre-orders
So we all know that the Ashes of Creation alpha testing and planned launch has seen delays and that Intrepid has been rolling out a...
The Division 2 players datamine Dark Hours information as box sales get off to a slow start
Fans of The Division 2 have started to explore the game in the playing-for-keeps world of launch over the weekend, and the game's subreddit is...
World of Warcraft offers discounted race changes, faction changes, and character transfers ahead of tomorrow’s patch
Tomorrow, World of Warcraft's newest allied races -- the Kul Tiran Humans and the Zandalari Trolls -- join the Battle for Azeroth, and after...
Trion Worlds announces week-long Double Up Days sale
The folks at Trion Worlds have just announced their first-ever Double Up Days event. During the week-long event, which runs from today until Wednesday,...
RIFT offers a Maelforge Broodling mount and 2 million loyalty points in a new pack
The latest pack being offered for sale to RIFT players, the Fires of Maelforge Power Pack, should perhaps be more accurately dubbed the Loyalty...
Life Is Feudal: Your Own celebrates latest update with franchise-wide half-price sale
Life is Feudal: Your Own, everyone's favorite medieval survival game/serfdom simulator, has just released its latest major update, and to celebrate the occasion, developer...
Monster Hunter World breaks its Steam record but now faces a regulation nightmare in China
The record for highest concurrent users on Steam for a game launched in 2018 goes to Monster Hunter World, smashing the record set by......
State of Decay 2 tallies up one million sales despite the zombie apocalypse
Despite shaky performance and numerous reports of severe bug issues, Undead Labs' State of Decay 2 is another big hit for the studio. Outlets...
Sea of Thieves does blockbuster sales in the UK while former artist criticizes its lack of depth
Rare has a reason to rejoice this week, as Sea of Thieves has sailed to a number one spot on the sales chart in...