Sandboxes are a type of MMO that emphasize player freedom and expression. They frequently include mechanics for building, crafting, trading, character customization and development, roleplaying, destruction, and significant interaction with the world and other players. A sandbox that is dominated by an open-PvP or free-for-all ruleset is sometimes pejoratively called a gankbox. Contrast with the themepark.
Star Citizen’s Roberts endorses Crowfall, Descent: Underground
Star Citizen boss Chris Roberts has taken a moment to endorse a couple of fellow crowdfunded games. He has high praise for Crowfall head...
Play Trove to earn a RIFT budgie mount
Giant flightless birds make great commute buddies, not to mention that they take the simplest biofuel available. But if you want to get your...
PlanetSide 2’s Clint Worley departs Daybreak
Former PlanetSide 2 Executive Producer Clint Worley has left the team and studio, according to a brief announcement by him on Twitter. It is...
Star Citizen’s Roberts talks FPS, pokes fun at EA
Did you miss PAX East this year? If so you probably also missed Chris Roberts' Star Citizen presentation. Fortunately, though, there's YouTube. The video...
ArcheAge’s Secrets of Ayanad arrives with a fresh trailer
The goalpost for ArcheAge character levels has been moved with today's update, bringing both the character and skill level tree cap to 55. The...
Elite: Dangerous’ David Braben on PC vs. console development
Last week at GDC Frontier announced that Elite: Dangerous is headed to the Xbox One in 2015. Predictably, this caused a bit of consternation amongst...
People are still getting scammed for big bucks in EVE Online
You'd think that EVE Online players would have taken the "trust no one" mantra to heart after a decade of news stories about corporation...
ArcheAge is adding skills, a cap increase, and the Library this week
The North American and European versions of ArcheAge are finally getting the level cap bump that Korean players have enjoyed for months.
This Tuesday's Secrets...
The Daily Grind: Do you use bugged items to your advantage?
Did you hear about the latest bit of ArcheAge tomfoolery? There's this mirage donkey mount available in the game's loyalty point store. It was...
Star Citizen’s arena commander 1.1 is coming soon
Star Citizen's monthly report is live, and chairman Chris Roberts says that even though February was short, Cloud Imperium accomplished quite a bit.
"As you...
Here’s what a Black Desert raid boss looks like
If you've got a spare 20 minutes and an urge to see a Black Desert raid boss go down, Steparu's got a new video...
Crowfall is raking in the big bucks
Crowfall's Kickstarter campaign is little more than a week old, but that hasn't stopped the PvP MMO from racking up 10,000-plus backers and over...
Daybreak posts new Landmark blueprint
Daybreak has published an outline for Landmark development over the next few weeks. The next update, likely dropping somewhere between March 18th and 25th,...
Das Tal tweaks player collision, minimap, and more
It's time for another Das Tal dev blog, and this one touches on everything from audio to art to world-building tasks to the UI.
Braben: Elite won’t be ‘dumbed down’ for consoles
Are you tired of the eternal console vs. PC culture war? Yeah, me too. Thankfully Elite: Dangerous won't be partaking of that foolishness, mainly...
Trials of Ascension cancels second Kickstarter campaign
What crowdfunding giveth, crowdfunding also withholdeth. This is the hard lesson that Trials of Ascension has had to learn, not once, but twice.
Less than...
ArcheAge is getting obsidian weapons in March 10 patch
Trion is preparing to release ArcheAge's Secrets of Ayanad update on March 10th. As such, producer Merv "Khrolan" Lee Kwai has posted a new...
Roberts on Star Citizen’s funding model, Minecraft, and more
Polygon posted an interview with Chris Roberts this week, and it's worth a read if you're still wearing your Star-Citizen-is-a-Ponzi-scheme cap. "People can only...
The Repopulation’s silver early access package is now 15 bucks
If you've been curious about upcoming sci-fi sandbox The Repopulation's ongoing early access alpha, there's never been a cheaper time to buy in, literally,...
Star Citizen promo focuses on Roberts, game depth
Have you seen that new Star Citizen promo from Western Digital? It's worth a look if you're a fan of the upcoming space sim...