
Destiny 2 previews expansion gear, plans PvP changes, investigates streaky RNG

Still got your eye on Destiny 2's Forsaken expansion coming out at the tail end of summer? Prepare your trigger finger too, as yesterday...

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse covers ground races, 3.3 ships, and security checkpoints

Hey guys, log into Star Citizen, I wanna do a Death Race! Yeah, maybe that isn't the best nickname for the Scramble Race, which...

CCP has obliquely confirmed it’s working on a brand-new ‘action MMO’

Remember back in December, when the gaming world noticed that CCP's hiring page sought a lead designer to run "a new and highly ambitious...
when yo crush read yo note that say lemme smash

Massively Overthinking: Random acts of MMORPG kindness

Last week, down in the comments of an innocuous post about gamers being nice in Fortnite, a couple of MOP commenters requested a column...

Hyperspace Beacon: Making roleplay events deeper in SWTOR (or any other MMORPG)

From time to time, I like to break from talking about the latest news from Star Wars: The Old Republic to talk about what...
Cool guys don't look at explosions.

Defiance 2050 has big plans for new classes, advancement, and endgame as it hits 1M players

Defiance 2050 isn't just launching and going away, oh no: Trion Worlds has a new producer letter up today detailing exactly how it's planning...

Star Trek Online warps into Discovery’s universe as Stephen Ricossa steps down as exec producer

While Star Trek Discovery has proven to be a divisive entry into the long-running franchise, with some fans hating its take on the Trek...

EVE Online sparks a 4,000-strong player battle

EVE Online seems to make the most waves when its community pulls off a major scam, destroys a ship worth way too much real-world...
da da da da da da

Star Wars: The Old Republic bumps its next patch to August 7

Public test servers exist for a reason. Not just because unleashing your players on the game gives you access to a free and experienced...

The Stream Team: SWTOR’s KOTET plot twist

Plot twist! This was the only thing Massively OP's Larry and MJ could say after the revelation that ended the last episode of SWTOR's...

Perfect Ten: The best expansions for specific MMOs

Looking over the past two decades or so, MMORPGs have grown by leaps and bounds with regular releases, events, and (of course) expansion packs....

MMORPG sandbox Fractured’s Kickstarter has just fully funded at over $130,000

Phew! A few weeks ago, I was not confident that Fractured's Kickstarter was going to make it, but it cleared its goal with just...
Here we go again.

The Daily Grind: Rank the top three housing MMOs ever made

WildStar. RIFT. EverQuest II. If I had to choose three MMORPGs that contained the best housing systems and then rank them, that list up there...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 179: MMO parenting fails

Justin and Bree discuss Star Wars Galaxies Legends, World of Warcraft, Elite Dangerous, LOTRO's Weatherstock, Trion's layoffs, No Man's Sky's multiplayer, DDO, and Wizard 101 updates, with mailbag entries on how to start an MMO blog and spooky stuff in Guild Wars 2.

‘Full multiplayer experience’ flies into No Man’s Sky today

There's no reason to explore the galaxy solo, thanks to today's massive No Man's Sky NEXT update. The "full multiplayer experience" has finally arrived...
We don't know which one to shoot.

PlanetSide 2 is testing a patch with some potential big backend bugs

The next patch for PlanetSide 2 is up for testing now, and it doesn't have a huge list of changes... but you may want...

Defiance 2050 works on a new co-op map while player interest declines

It is probably fair to say that Defiance 2050's reboot hasn't exactly shaken up the online gaming world -- or even made much of...

Former BioWare lead James Ohlen regrets not pushing SWTOR towards ‘Knights of the Old Republic Online’

Earlier this month, BioWare's James Ohlen announced that he was retiring from the company where he'd worked for more than two decades, part of...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG boasts the best space gameplay?

Over the past week or so, I've been tinkering with Star Wars Galaxies Legends, an NGE emulator for SWG that's actually pretty polished and...

The Stream Team: Going after Warframe’s Archwing

Massively OP's MJ has been missing one major component of feeling like a fully fledged 'Frame in Warframe: her Archwing. And now she is...