See: Squadron 42
Star Citizen claims its latest mission-generation system will speed up development
Star Citizen continues to try and pad the time between now and CitizenCon in its video content, as the most recent Star Citizen Live...
Star Citizen will now invite players into its PTU based on their activity in an effort to stress test builds
For the past several years, access to the PTU builds of Star Citizen has gone out in waves - that's nothing new - but...
Star Citizen sees roughly $55M in crowdfunding to date this year as it nears $600M in total
Today in "Math News That Will Make Your Head Hurt," we're taking a look at some of the latest data points out of Star...
Star Citizen shows off the development tool it uses to build underground facilities
Have you ever had some random kid charge up to you and excitedly show off the toy that she just got? That's kind of...
Star Citizen recaps July work on ships, rat behavior, gameplay features, and skill progression experiments
The month of August begins, and that means Star Citizen is filing its July update report to keep players abreast of what work has...
Star Citizen shares a prototype of its upcoming full ship salvage gameplay
Prototyping gameplay elements is pretty important work, but it's also very often work that's not seen by anyone outside of the studio. However, the...
Star Citizen kitbashes a hovertank together and talks about vehicle creation in livestream
We'll start with a bit of a vocabulary lesson just in case that headline confuses you: Kitbashing is a term usually used in tabletop...
Turbulent officially becomes a part of Cloud Imperium Games after years of partnership
Long-time followers of Star Citizen are likely familiar with the name of Turbulent: The company was named as a partner for developer Cloud Imperium...
Star Citizen player gets a partial refund from CIG in spite of the studio’s legal arguments to the contrary
Getting a refund out of Star Citizen can often seem like pulling teeth, yet one player who goes by the name of BlueBackground is...
Star Citizen shows off alpha 3.20’s replacement for Port Olisar as first waves of CitizenCon ticket sales go live
Star Citizen's alpha 3.20 release is going to ask backers to wave goodbye to Port Olisar, the MMO game's first space station, as it...
Star Citizen player event talks ship plans, building mechanics, player housing, and lowered priority for Theaters of War
This past weekend saw fans of Star Citizen converge in Shanghai and Hong Kong, China, for some Bar Citizen community events. Normally this wouldn't...
Star Citizen runs down some of its upcoming new mission types and changes to ship trespassing
There was a time when most of the mission-based gameplay out of Star Citizen was focused on players answering others' beacons, but that was...
Star Citizen checks in with progress on the San’Tok.yai and Hull-C as the Alien Week sales drive begins
It's time for another event in Star Citizen, only this one is less about letting people try the game for free and more about...
Star Citizen is creeping up on $600M in crowdfunding, outstripping many AAA titles’ budgets
It's time for our semi-annual (semi-monthly? semi-regular?) look at the funding page for Star Citizen, and once more we're seeing the cost of keeping...
Star Citizen shares alpha 3.20’s plans for Arena Commander’s FPS gameplay and experimental modes
Last week, Star Citizen shared a video detailing its plans for Arena Commander updates coming to alpha 3.20, with a focus on ship-to-ship combat...
Star Citizen recounts May’s dev progress on vehicles, Pyro, and new missions as its Pride Month contest returns
Cloud Imperium Games has once more put together its monthly development report for Star Citizen, which once again recounts May's granular development steps and...
Star Citizen takes a closer look at alpha 3.20’s Arena Commander updates
Star Citizen has already made it clear that alpha 3.20 will be mostly focused on updating the long-suffering Arena Commander module, and now devs...
Star Citizen maps out Arena Commander updates for alpha 3.20, leading to mixed reaction from players
Yesterday saw Star Citizen release its roadmap and related roundup post for the game, offering backers a nebulous view of what alpha 3.20 is...
CIG raises prices on Star Citizen ships, confirms Squadron 42’s removal from sale for an ‘expected price change’
Backers and followers of Squadron 42 noticed something a bit worrying in the middle of May: The purchase page was returning a 404 error...
Star Citizen engages its updated Jumptown event as players call out ongoing problems with alpha 3.19
Star Citizen is continuing to hit the gas pedal on its in-game events. On top of alpha 3.19's release and the ongoing Invictus Launch...