star trek online

Official Site: Star Trek Online
Studio: Cryptic Studios/Perfect World Entertainment
Launch Date: February 2, 2010
Genre: Sci-Fi Themepark
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Vote like you want to win.

Star Trek Online enters the final round of ship design votes

So what do you want for your next Federation ship in Star Trek Online? If your answer was something about red and blue nacelles...

EVE Evolved: Does skillpoint trading make EVE pay-to-win?

EVE Online's realtime skill training system has been a major point of contention throughout the game's lifetime, being a boon for those with little...
In the mirror universe, they have charities to encourage bullying, or something.

Star Trek Online outlines plans for Season 11 content

It's going to be hard to top the challenges faced by players in Star Trek Online at the end of the Iconian War storyline....
There were some decent tabletop Star Trek games, but no.

Perfect Ten: MMO systems that could be great (but I haven’t seen it yet)

Before I start this column, I want to say two important things. First, my experiences do not extend outward to the limits of the...

The MOP Up: Skyforge’s new raid (October 11, 2015)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

PSA: PWE MMOs are going dark (temporarily!) on October 13

Heads up if you play any Perfect World Entertainment or Cryptic games: Your MMOs will be going dark for a 12-hour maintenance period (9:00...

Global Chat: Why is Blizzard so sluggish?

World of Warcraft: Legion and Blizzard's recent decisions were at the forefront of a couple of recent MMO blog posts as of late, their authors...

Massively Overthinking: Graceful MMO free-to-play transitions

In honor of WildStar's free-to-play transition this week, Massively Overthinking is about to overthink the very best F2P transitions ever. Even if you don't...
Seriously have a lot of ships, wow.

Star Trek Online outlines the basics of the Admirality system

Veterans of Star Trek Online have inevitably made use of many, many different ships over the course of the game's lifespan. You get ships...
Like this, but with slightly better lines, hopefully.

Star Trek Online is giving players the chance to design a ship

The look of ships in Star Trek Online is a big deal; you spend a lot of time flying about in the ships, after...

Star Trek Online is revamping a few Cardassian episodes

Star Trek Online content designer Jaddua Ross has revealed the first episode in the game's updated Cardassian Struggle arc. Spoils of War will kick...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 30: Slumbering MMOs

Justin and Bree discuss WildStar, SWTOR, UO, ArcheAge, Asheron's Call, Otherland, Elite, GW2, and RIFT, with mailbag questions on early access MMOs.

Star Trek Online weathers DDoS attack over the weekend

If you could ask Star Trek Online how its weekend went, it would probably just grimace and shake its head. That's because the sci-fi...
You can also play a spaceship.

Star Trek Online releases the finale of the Iconian war

It's all over now. After years of building up the Iconian threat in Star Trek Online, the story arc is concluding in this final...

Star Trek Online announces its final Iconian War episode

Star Trek Online has announced the final episode of its Iconian War arc. The Iconians have been a constant threat for more than five...

The MOP Up: Blizzard belongs in a museum!

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Hey there, you don't get to see me.

Connection issues plague Cryptic titles through the weekend

For many of us, the weekend is the ideal time for gaming - there are no real responsibilities, you don't have to pretend to...

Perfect Ten: Amazing MMO cosplay

I have nothing but deep respect for cosplayers because on two levels they are performing activities that I cannot. First of all, they put...
If at first you don't succeed, alter the timeline.

Star Trek Online: Heading for a New Dawn

The last major arc in Star Trek Online meant saying goodbye to the Iconican threat that had been looming in the background of the...

Star Trek Online bug creates neverending party

Once upon a time, Star Trek Online gave players a "party amplifier" that spawned a disco ball and other effects on command. Then a...