the division 2

The Division 2 celebrates Valentine’s Day with new projects and themed gear

You would be forgiven for thinking Valentine's Day and the looter shooter setting of The Division 2 wouldn't really mesh, but you would apparently...

The Division 2 now says The Battle for Brooklyn DLC will launch in 2025

Earlier this week, following news that Ubisoft's was laying off another 185 people affecting four studios in Europe, the The Division 2 team -...
Hunt a man.

Following Ubisoft’s latest round of layoffs, The Division 2 delays its next DLC – again

Ubisoft's Division 2 team posted a memo to players this morning that seems like good news but is being read as the opposite. For starters,...

The Division 2 revamps its seasonal content and adds new gear in the Shades of Red update

Year 6 Season 2: Shades of Red has arrived today in The Division 2, and with it comes an all-new way for seasons to...

The MOP Up: Albion Online patches Paths to Glory and talks up mounts

Albion Online's third patch for Paths to Glory came out last week, an update which "includes balance changes, Destiny Board improvements based on your...

The Division 2 decides to reel back its seasonal characters idea for its Seasons 2.0 feature

Back in June, The Division 2 outlined plans for its sixth year of content updates, including "Seasons 2.0," which would require players to roll...

SGF 2024: Ubisoft unveils new content for The Crew Motorfest, Skull & Bones, and The Division 2

The final breathless gasp of this year's Summer Game Fest presentations has occurred, as multiple days' worth of gaming showcases has ended with Ubisoft...

LOTRO Legendarium: Middle-earth’s world integrity is an endangered species in MMOs

Back in 2018, Steven Spielberg adapted the popular novel Ready Player One into a film. It seemed like a great pairing: The master director...

Choose My Adventure: Losing myself roaming the realms of Nightingale

This edition of Choose My Adventure might strike similar notes as last week, but I suppose that's to be expected considering you told me...

The MOP Up: Magic Awakened deepens the mystery of Hogsmeade

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened rolled out its January patch with a new seasonal chapter, Luna Lovegood card, and a gauntlet mode to try. "Continue the...

The Division 2 announces overhauls to PvE and PvP with its Project Resolve seasonal update

Ubisoft is full of determination, or at the very least resolve, as the studio has laid out plans for Project Resolve, a seasonal update...

The Division 2 applies several fixes to its Paradise Lost Incursion mission in latest patch

Regular players of The Division 2 were likely happy to see that the latest season brought back Incursion endgame missions among other things. What...

The Division 2 delays its next season and elongates the length of all seasons

So there's good news and bad news for The Division 2 players today. The good news is that Ubisoft isn't abandoning you! The bad...

Ubisoft warns inactive accounts of games library deletion as first quarter sales see a slight dip

You know what's a super great and smart method to get customers to keep coming back to your launcher and storefront? Warning them that...

The Division 2 doles out punishments to players who were using an exploit in Descent mode

The recently added Descent mode of The Division 2 apparently arrived with a pretty major exploit that was letting players earn reams of unintended...

Free-to-play PvPvE shooter The Division Heartland confirms closed beta test for PC on June 27

Back in May 2021, Ubisoft unloaded a whole slew of plans for its shooter series The Division, including the reveal of The Division Heartland,...
Bad men.

The Division 2 readies a free-to-play event as Ubisoft’s sales figures take a dive

Ubisoft had suggested that investors should buckle up for a financial hit in January, but the impact appears to have been a bit worse...

The Division preps summer testing for Resurgence, readies a PC test for Heartland, outlines Year 5 for The Division 2

In case that headline didn't clue you in, earlier this week was Ubisoft's "Division Day," a showcase of updates and news surrounding the three...

The Division 2 threatens to ban players over XP glitches that are causing server instability

Apparently, players have found a way to earn loads of XP in The Division 2, but doing so is causing the game's servers to...

The Division 2 finally releases Season 11 with new manhunts, items, and PvP quality-of-life updates

After two particularly gnarly delays, the long-awaited Season 11 for The Division 2 has finally come online this week, introducing all of the seasonal...